The biggest asshole to grace the Anthrax board:

Wow i forgot about that. I remember now as a single father myself at that time how mad it made me.
WOW. I do not remember this. I always thought TD was (for the most part) pretty funny, but this crap is assinine to the nth degree. Unbelievable. I can see why he got banned. As a pop of 2, I would not tolerate this. Sorry to Greg. Just wrong.

He seemed pretty cool and really fucking funny at times but then he would turn into a fucking troll all of a sudden. He told some story about smoking crack and having sex with crackwhores yet when he found out Skorned was a stripper he did nothing but disrespect her.
Never liked the asshole. I was close to tracking him down and beating the shit out of him at one point.

i remember him talking shit and u kinda spooked him when u said u would be at the same show as him a few years back,all the internet tough guy thing went out the window,what a coward he is,suddnely he couldnt make the show or something.
4?? 4??? You breed prodigiously, my friend! You must be a busy man!:lol:

Busy yes....still practicing...not so much.:bah:

But yea I am a busy man. Right now I work a full and part time job, plus I am fully domesticated, and attend college online.

But once I found out about my last son, who was born on Halloween :tickled:
and is now 5 I went and had the snip.

I don't regret it. Just because I had 5 back seats in the van doesn't mean I needed to fill them all with kids.

I have 3 sons and my daughter is 8.

My 2nd oldest, my daughter, and my youngest are carbon copies of me. Its fun having little mini-me's running around the house.

But my youngest and my 2nd oldest give the best one-liners.

#2 son...loves heavy metal just like me, so he's likes manowar's Sting of the Bumblebee on Bass guitar and he hears the shred of the strings in the middle of it...and looks at me with me with the most deadpan face.

Dad..."what's that noise i hear ?" "Oh yea, that's my older brother whining as i kick his ass again"... :devil:

Never a dull moment. Ever.