The Birthday Massacre- New wave goth gone metal

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Forgive me if you know about these guys already and put a curse on me for posting about no prog/power music but hell I have no clue about this band until seconds ago and I'll be damned it's very cool shit. Her voice is a bit girly but crystal clear and the songs are very catchy. Some of you may well love this if you can imagine Within Temptation with more danceable new wavy atmospheres and very catchy choruses. Whole album is on YT to try. The songs have huge catchiness and even you think you might hate this, the songs will catch your ear again and you'll keep playing them. That's what happened to me anyway.

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A lot of "goth" bands and especially early goth and death rock was a lot closer to rock and even metal than that scene would like to believe. Certainly now they would disregard the notion, or so it was when I walked among that pertinacious sub-culture. And of course most goth seems more closer to disc than rock or even metal.
Were the "goth" scene (generalizing of course) would tend to shy away or shudder the thought or being associate to rock or heavy metal the metal scene has always been the opposite.
The Birthday Massacre was actually the last "goth" band I heard that was appealing though I had forgotten about them for sometime until now, never have picked up any of their stuff. Before that it was Switchblade Symphony's first album after that they slipped down that disco, techno, Nintendo (whatever the kids call it) slide.
But yes this bands seems pretty good.
Love this band. They have been a constant favorite of mine since I discovered them a little over a year and a half ago. I saw them live twice this year--my girlfriend and I flew from our home in Northern California to Denver just to see them (and have a nice long weekend away) and they later came to San Francisco. They were excellent live both times. They are heavier live than on the CDs. If you get the chance to see them, definitely do so. On a side note, they are really nice people and put time into meeting with the fans, especially after the show.

As more and more metal is becoming repetative and mediocre, I have found myself turning to other genres of rock/metal--especially "goth". Birthday Massacre, The 69 Eyes, Deathstars (a ton of fun); Entwine (kicks ass), etc. Give them a try.
I was going to totally assume you were just going to post some Nightwish knockoff and call it "new wave goth," but this actually has an 80's Depeche Mode/Teas For Fears etc vibe and pulls it off well with the heaviness. Good stuff, and she has a killer voice. Nicely done sir.
This is a great band. Live, however, they come off a bit strange. The singer kind of bounces around and exudes a bit more happiness and "cute-sie-ness" than you might expect given the darker lyrics. It works though. Very enjoyable listening!

A bit more indie/punk and less flowery, but along the same lines. Love this band.
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Cool, I love both these bands (Dommin and Birthday Massacre). Played 'em on my internet radio show more than once...obviously my show is a bit more diverse than just metal, though. It ain't called the Eclectic Collective for nothin'. :)

Love this band. They have been a constant favorite of mine since I discovered them a little over a year and a half ago..... They are heavier live than on the CDs. If you get the chance to see them, definitely do so. On a side note, they are really nice people and put time into meeting with the fans, especially after the show.

Totally agreed.

We encouraged them to perform at Dragon*Con a few years ago...that didn't work out, but ironically, a band they were opening for on tour called Mindless Self Indulgence performed instead.

As more and more metal is becoming repetative and mediocre, I have found myself turning to other genres of rock/metal--especially "goth". Birthday Massacre, The 69 Eyes, Deathstars (a ton of fun); Entwine (kicks ass), etc. Give them a try.

Gotta say, I've seen The 69 Eyes three times now -- once opening for Cradle of Filth -- and have liked them more and more each time.
CoF must enjoy touring the States with Finnish goth-metal bands, judging from the support on their upcoming tour. (No, not 69 Eyes, but the OTHER huge goth-metal band from Finland, touring under a different name.)
Damn, this sounds like good stuff! I would've never given them a chance strictly due to their name, because I would've assumed they're another "scremo" band. Like Slumber said above, they have a nice 80's new wave vibe!

Damn, this sounds like good stuff! I would've never given them a chance strictly due to their name, because I would've assumed they're another "scremo" band. Like Slumber said above, they have a nice 80's new wave vibe!


Considering they toured with Blackveilbrides, your initial concern was valid. I also thought if they weren't going to be a generic Nightwish clone, they'd be some cockrock screamo band hahaha. :lol:
Considering they toured with Blackveilbrides, your initial concern was valid. I also thought if they weren't going to be a generic Nightwish clone, they'd be some cockrock screamo band hahaha. :lol:

Black Veil Brides opened for BM in San francisco--they were horrible. (The music wasn't awful, but the vocalist was a complete douche, yelling obsenities at the crowd, throwing full bu topen water bottles at people in the crowd, etc.) It was a really bad pairing. BM dedicated their song "Horror Show" to the BVB--that pretty much said it all.

For those considering getting a BM disc, the last two, Walking with Strangers and Pins and Needles are the best. The live CD, Show and Tell, is excellent also. There is also a Show and Tell DVD with two full live shows that is very good as well.
Waiting for DogsPlayingPoker to ring in here . .

I like The Birthday Massacre quite a lot. "Pins & Needles" is heavier overall than their previous albums, but my favorite is probably either "Violet" or "Walking With Strangers." I'll never forget their guitarist standing by the door of the Masquerade and thanking everyone who came out to the show.

I loved Dommin's album — he wears his influences on his sleeve, but I think he has a great voice and knows his way around a song hook. Lots of potential.

Alright, here are some of my favorite Goth bands of the moment...

The Awakening from South Africa...

I'll also give Pretentious Moi? a solid. They have the kind of sound that was popular in the Goth scene when I first got interested in it in the early '90's.

O. Children...

And finally, Solemn Novena broke up recently. The male vocalist was formerly in a band named Nosferatu, who also had some good tunes.

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I've been listening to Pins and Needles for the last few days and have to admit...I'm addicted! If Tim Burton ever managed a rock band, then The Birthday Massacre would be it! :) Watch some of their videos and you'll see what I mean.
