"The Black Waltz" Song Survivor - Round 4

Vote for your LEAST FAVORITE track!

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  • Poll closed .
Posted by ugly: How could 'One From the Stands' get voted off?

The only logical conclusion is that you guys suck at listening to music.

All the songs are so good... but one of them had to go man.

I'm starting to like Black Waltz better after listening to it more, so this week so I'm voting for Bitter Metallic Side.
Ok, first 3 rounds went my way but i cant believe this fourth round. You guys are voting off Mindrust and Time Takes us all, the 2 best songs of this album. I vote Bitter metalic slide.

EDIT: Poll closed, couldn't vote.
Hooray Mindrust is dead! In the Skyfire poll i found the 2 worst songs in the entire Skyfire library in the finals, but this Kalmah poll is going swimingly.... Time Takes Us All next round anyone?