The Blood Divine were a massively underrated band

I still play Awaken and Mystica quite often. I can't understand why this band didn't cause more of a stir, especially as they seemed primed to go on to even better things. Still, their official website is still active after 7 years or whatnot, so SOMEone evidently still cares about them.
Ben Ryan is one of the few keyboardists in heavy rock who's not only competent but even adds something to the music. Wonder what he's up to these days.
We know, of course, what Mr. Allender is doing...
its like I haven't heard a single tune of them, though I wanted to... :( but here it's kinda hopeless to get their albums, er, it's my experience of those time when I searched for something from them.
i was into the blood divine before i heard of anathema actually. i realised years later the two bands were related like. me and me mates were really into the first album back then when it was released, but the second one was a bit of a disappointment :(
Lord_Of_This_World said:
that is his name yeah.who is amo?
Bastet said:
what's his name? stan? i bet arno will be very interested :lol:
Bastet said:
cedarbreed:D (and it's ARNO btw)

The French spelling is Arnaud. Call me Rano if you wish but not Arno like this pathetic drunkard Belgian so-called 'singer'.
And I'm not interested, thanks. I'm not available.
