The Book of Heavy Metal? No! The Diary of Emo!!!

Emo is any band mostly fronted by a dude crying or whining about something. Usually most of these singers are either bald or have some crazy hair style that swoopes over to one side. Generally, the bands do not consist of strong alpha male types or strong alpha male type singers. I personally don't feel that Evergrey falls into this group but to each its own. Think of STAIN, perfect example.
Ya know, it's tough to make out the words, but I thought I might have heard some homophobic content. Please prove me wrong by posting your lyrics, or pull the song - I've very little tolerance for bigotry on public forums.

I cry to become popular
I've cried for so very long
I signed a fake suicide letter
that now became this song

Yes I'm a wannabe
I support faggotry
I wear my girl pants tight to be...

In the diary of emo
In the diary of emo

Sorry if you think I'm a homophobe. I have plenty of gay friends that support the fact that emo music make gays look bad... and they find this song hilarious. Of course, you can't have a good time without offending someone. Oh well. Racism, gay-bashing... whatever... I just figure it's better to hate everyone!

But more than anyone else... I hate those damned emo kids.
Thanks for providing context. I wasn't offended; I just wanted to figure out where you were coming from so that I'd know whether I should be hurling a barrage of sarcasm at you.
Anyway, the song is terrible of course, but that's clearly the point. Mission accomplished.
acid out.
I once knew an emo kid....he weighed about 98lbs, wore girls clothes, cried when his girlfriend *cough boyfriend cough* dumped him. He had long hair on half his head, short hair on the other side. His wrist had peculiar red marks....I remember that he joined some band, what was it???? My chemical romance? hawthorne heights? Panic at the disco?....I don't know cause that descriptions matches everyone in those
Though i don't care much for "emo", some bands listed under that genre from different sources, i could not agree with. There have been a few bands that have used the genre reasonably. Killswitch Engage comes to mind, witch in my mind our the only band that can pull it off. Very talented musicians...:headbang:
(quotes Slim Pickens from Blazing Saddles) "what in the wide wide world of sports is goin' on here... dancin' around like a bunch of kansas city faggots..."

Seriously, emo bashing is ok for some I guess, hell we've become a society of exactisms many times over anyway so why not? Just someone plz lemmee know when metal bashing becomes all the rage again so I can move somewhere it isn't flogged (whew, hope I haven't started another avalanche again...)
So, was Staind emo back when Aaron Lewis was on heroin and screaming about how much he hates everything?

Wow...... No wonder being 13 sucked so much ass.