The Burning - Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess


Apr 5, 2003
The Burning - Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess - 011 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


Oozing dark matter from a foxhole in Gomekkistan comes The Burning with their insanely detuned hardcore. The extreme manner in which they've detuned the guitars almost makes it impossible to comprehend that this is hardcore, especially with the accompaniment of the lower growls, but the chicken screeches and hardcore breakdowns make it all too obvious. The Burning crunch their way through three short songs for a total of 8 minutes, and present some material that is highly love or hate...

The first and longest track on the EP, "Weakling", blows through the generally slower song with this one repetitive riff for most of the time, covered with growls. It's not too exciting, but like we said earlier, it's heavy and detuned as heck. "End Of All" shows the band's apparent Metallica influence, as the opening is very similar to "Fuel". This song is much speedier than the first, and features some awesome triple-hitting double bass, catchy riffs, and the guitar chord progression during the solo is very well done. The song is only 2:55, and it effortlessly spins into a breakdown cycle near the end that lasts for the remainder of the track. "Counting Days" has a tempo that seems to be somewhere in the middle of the first two tracks, not too slow, but not fast either. A lot of the rhythms in this song are breakdowns interlaced with guitar leads, sudden stops, and a heavy chorus. The growls are layered on this last track with growls in the left and right channel which makes a pretty wide sound, obviously.

The songs are good, and the songwriting is decent as far as breakdown-fueled hardcore goes, but some low points and bad qualities of the recordings - like the chicken screech falsetto yells - probably could have been refined a bit more, or perhaps left out. All in all, it is a decent debut from a band that could go far with just a tiny bit of changes.


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Official The Burning Website
Official Gomek Website