The campaign gains momentum........


Apr 14, 2001
(Yes im at work, and yes im bored before anyone asks)

Well, the campaign is certainly gaining momentum, I am currently at around a 0.01 percent approval rating aginst all the other parties, which is up from 0.00 yesterday so things are looking up!
(The poll has a 5 percent margin of error)

Just incase you missed the announcement:
I stand for great metal concerts 7 nights a week!
I stand for a 4 day weekend!
I stand for getting bands to tour here more often!
I stand for making Roy Z produce maidens next album!
I stand for pulling metallicas heads out of their arses, even if I have to do it personally.
I stand for making "were not gonna take it" by twisted sister our national anthem!
I stand for making sure all the people on this bulletin board get cushy ass jobs in my cabinet that pay extremely well!
I stand for a 4 hour working day with a 1 hour lunch break.

So, to summarise, it will be a hard fought campain, but I will not shy away from what the real issues are.

I will also have out national flag changed into a big yellow smiley face with a toungue poking out and parade it in all the other nations faces while playing our new national anthem, just because we are the best. :p <-- Kinda like that. But yellow. And big.

I now also stand for getting a full page of comics back into the newspaper (Ive already emailed the paper twice about this and will not be giving up, yes, sadly, I am telling the truth, they really did publish my letters :) )

So as you can see, I wont sit idly by, I get in there and get my hands dirty, i can accomplish all this and more for the australian people if only they would place their confidence in me and vote for me.
I shall also wear a HUGE spiky blonde 80s wig for my entire run as prime minister. Thats a promise. No makeup though, as I have to be taken seriously, I am running the place after all.

Vote one Spawny. You know you want me running the show.
*sits and considers for a while*

Well, I'm convinced, here's my vote -----> X


During your term of office can you promise to be nice to Britain (and most importantly England)? If so I promise I will not photograph you in compromising positions with a turnip and sell it to the Murdoch press for 50 squillion bucks. :loco:
I stand for being nice to England. :D

Gees this politician lark is easy, im on my way!
About the turnip: Just like a game of football, what happened on the field, stays on the field, nudge nudge and all that :lol:
I am willing to run for the Spawny Party in the electorate of Gilmore, on the South Coast of N.S.W.

I support all of our great leader's policies, and intend to hold a great rally on a forthcoming weekend to publicise them as such. No doubt, the major parties have begun quaking in their boots over the numbers of votes they will lose to the Spawny Party, as well as seats in Parliament.

We need other candidates to put their hand up to win their seat. Banded together, we can all help Spawny rule the world!!!

(Yup, I'm a little bored, too.....)

I'd vote for you, man, except I'm running for the Give Silly Amounts Of Money To Dungeon So They Can Eat Well And Tour Everywhere party. So far there's only 4 members, oddly enough all members of Dungeon but you mark my words, we're on a winner! HAHAHA!
Joe my friend, you are in :D
Im going to have to get a bodyguard now, as obviously the makor parties can see the threat I pose and will try to take me out. To dinner hopefully, but it could be worse, so Ill play it safe.

In honour of Lord Tims response, should I be elected Prime Minister, I will make Dungeon the Official Power Metal Band Of Australia, and force a big record company with loadsa cash to sign you and promote the arse off yas. I will also ensure you are fed. :D

Joe, you havent created a monster, you have created a better future for all! :D

Vote Spawny :D
YAY! I will vote for ya spawny.

First order of business I say when you become pm..its only a matter of time, theres no question at all in my mind that you wont get in :D is to bring Iron Maiden, Iced Earth and Blind Gaurdian down here for a megahuge tour of gigantic proportions!!!! :D

Including a stop over during the tour at mu house for tea and scrumpets :D
It goes without saying that President Spawn's policy on bands touring Australia *must* include Adelaide at all times, in disability friendly venues.

I would also like him to introduce compulsory four hour, commercial/sport free metal marathons on every radio station in the country, and a new education policy that makes Sandman required reading on the Yr 12 English syllabus.

Well, Ill try and get to them in order:
Im already working on the Iron Maiden, Iced Earth and Blind Guardian tour. But when I have the full might of australias mighty armed forces behind me Ill have a lot more leeway. They can stop over at your house only if I can have some tea and scrumpets as well? I mean, fairs fair.....

Rather than have them include Adelaide, whenever we have good bands touring, im going to have the whole town of Adelaide put on the back of a truck and bring them close to sydney so I can go to both shows :)

I will also consider including perth in such arrangements provided they know how to tango Re: the votes issue ;)

Radio wise, it will be a whole station dedicated to it. I dont muck around!

Sandman shall be compulsory from grade 5 onwards, gotta get em while they are young!

Vote Spawny! :D
Originally posted by Bucko
I'm here for you Spawn , where it all happens Canberra.

Mwahahaha world domination is MINE!!

Cough Cough......I mean I will do my best to enable us to live in a peaceful world.

Vote Spawny! :D
Hmmm one step at a time LT :D But if said occurence of world domination by me does happen, I will make you lot the official power metal band of earth :)

Vote Spawny!
Originally posted by Lord Tim

I'd vote for you, man, except I'm running for the Give Silly Amounts Of Money To Dungeon So They Can Eat Well And Tour Everywhere party. So far there's only 4 members, oddly enough all members of Dungeon but you mark my words, we're on a winner! HAHAHA!

Lord Tim,
You're not gonna make much money out of the members of Dungeon...they're a bunch of starving musicians(well at least that what the singer keeps telling me!!! Ha!Ha!Ha!

By the way i vote for spawny as well...
Originally posted by Ralphe

Lord Tim,
You're not gonna make much money out of the members of Dungeon...they're a bunch of starving musicians(well at least that what the singer keeps telling me!!! Ha!Ha!Ha!

By the way i vote for spawny as well...

Onya Ralphe, I shall reserve a specil job for you with a really hot female secretary (only if you like of course?)

Vote Spawny! :D
Like LT said, the Give Silly Amounts Of Money To Dungeon So They Can Eat Well And Tour Everywhere party must get preferential treatment.

However, a preference deal can be worked out! :D
Im not averse to any underhanded tactics.
A preferential deal it is! But the preferences from .05% of the vote arent going to be much, Ill do what I can to improve the percentage, but I aint kissing any babys.
Besides, you will be the official power metal band of australia, it will be MANDATORY that you tour lots (and eat well too I suppose, but whats your definition of eating well?)

Vote Spawny! :D