The Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted

I remember the roar of the crowd when Sepultura would start to play "Roots, Blood Roots" and "Territory", but it wasn't a Sepultura united, it was divided. I remember the energy around me in the pits when Soufly would bust into "Attitude" and "Beneath the Remains", but again... it was from a divided stance that those four songs would be played. It has been years, more than a decade, that Sepultura divided into two camps. The cheers for a reunion still go on till this day but some camps refuse its consideration but others chose to just spawn off and create a new deity; thus "Cavalera Conspirary" was born.

"Cavalera Conspiracy" is the newest spawn from original Sepultura founder, and Soulfly creator, Max Cavalera but this time he isn't alone on his venture. He has reunited with his little brother, Igor Cavalera, to form a monster that can only come from the special bond that both these brothers have for one another. The special bond, or magic if you wish, that these two have is what fed the energy and excitement into Sepultura. For years, fans across the world have been waiting for those components to return to the name that many heavy metal fans hold dear. Alas, it only returns in a form that chooses to show its creator's bond than an old deity that many hold fond memories of.

From the first track to the last track, what the listener gets is a sonic barrage of distorted guitars, heavy and groovy melodies, and that special "energy" that these two brothers output. The first track tracks of the "inflikted" album shows the Cavalera brothers heading towards a more modern metal approach, don't think metalcore or anything of that nature, but still has that fusion of the old "Sepultura" ways. But that's only for the opening tracks, once you get into the real meat and bones of the album, you are treated to variations of styles such as hardcore, punk, and at times even a little Morbid Angel-esque style of Death Metal; this can be heard in the track "Dark Ark". The thing that surprises me about this album is that there really are little to no "stops" or slow moments. For example, the track "Hex" is a straight up, in your face punk, thrash jam that is unrelenting from beginning to end. And then the following track, which features Richie Cavalera, is a total mosh song with a power groove that sticks with you and actually makes you wish that the song didn't end.

This is a really great album for those that wish the current Sepultura would return to the old "Chaos" days and for those that wish Soulfly would return to the old Sepultura ways. but this is really a special album because it, in reality, is a record that displays the love and specialness that Igor and Max hold for one another. In some interviews, Max has said that this record happened only because he and Igor settled their family rifts first; the music came second. So this is really an album rooted in family love and not one just for the sake of making a heavy, fast, or thrashy album. This is one for themselves and not anyone else. So I highly recommend that if you love Sepultura, Soulfly, or just plain out want to hear a great Metal, Thrash album then this the album to get.

(For the review with samples, visit "Distorted NoteS".