The Clancy thread!


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
This is a discussing thread about Tom Clancy and his books.
I want to ask the experienced Clancy readers this: the "Jack Ryan" series, wich book does it start with?, and wich are 2nd, 3rd, 4th... how many are they?! :confused: Update me please!
I don't know for certain, but I think the first is Rainbow Six. It depends whether you're talking when they where written, or when they're set.
It is not Rainbow Six, I'm reading it now and there's no Jack Ryan in it (main character: John Clark), but I checked on Amazon and there's the "Jack Ryan Series", eight books: 1:patriot Games 2:The Hunt for Red October 3:The Cardinal of the Kremlin 4:Clear and Present Danger 5:The Sum of All Fears 6:Debt of Honor 7:Executive Orders 8:The Bear and the Dragon.
I've got almost no idea what you're talking about! But I think Tom Clancy rules. I've only read Rainbow Six (game series is totally awesome!) and The Bear and the Dragon. At least I think that's all i've read......

Anyway, an extremely talented writer. Probably one of the greats! I'd say the only dude (that I know of) that can match-up to Clancy's technical accuracy and epic scale is prolly James Clavell.
I'd just finished reading Rainbow Six today, and what an awesome book! Clancy writes with an extraordinary style, and I love it! Popov rules!
I like Domingo Chavez! Or, as many lost weeks of obsessive computer gaming will make me say; DING CHAVEZ!

haha! i loved how it ended!!! SPOILERS!!!! >>> They just blew-up their facility and left the would-be remnants of humanity in the wilderness! LOL!!! awesomeness!!!! One of the best book endings i've read. =) That'll show them ego-humanistic ecologist bastards!


That was a really long book!

Yeah and how they read how Popov had bought that guy Huttercutt's(something like that was his name) cottage and made a fortune of the gold!
I did really thought that it just would end with that they would be arrested and be taken back to America or something, but it got more fun than that didn't it!
And how Popov got away and told John Clark all that he had to know to stop it, I didn't see that coming!

And the way he writes, when he jumps between the stories in the beginning (three main stories) with just a space between, it makes the reading so good! And it is also impressive how he can make it work with so many characters and three parts coming together like that! This book has the most characters ever! I was so confused in the beginning! :lol: And it seemed to have very much research behind it too; the fact in it was incredible! And -this-, I like that stuff too, it completes the reading in some way.
Indeed it is a long book, but I think it has to, otherwise it wouldn't be that good, and I don't like books that is too short (but 788 pages are fair enough!). But even that Rainbow Six has so many pages, I don't think that it has any dead points, or maybe after the missions, but it is still very good through the whole book, but the last 200 pages are the best!

Tom Clancy is my favorite author right now... I will buy and read that Red October book, I read a bit on Amazon, and it seems to be very good (I have already started to read one of the Op-Center books).