The Coma Recovery – Drown That Holy End In Wine


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
The Coma Recovery – Drown That Holy End In Wine
Failed Experiment Records – 18th July 2006
By Russell Garwood


If recovering from a coma was even half as energetic as Drown That Holy End In Wine people would be throwing themselves in front of cars for excitement. Cool band namesaside, this New Mexico quintet have an adventurous sound - progressive post-hardcore, with an accessibility perfectly balanced by an aggressive edge. The closest contemporaries to The Coma Recovery that spring to mind are Japan’s Envy – the former have that slight suggestion of post rock leanings, prevalent melody, and ever-changing parade of atmospheres that the latter have perfected over the last decade. Heavier moments have hardcore influenced, melodic guitars with an energy and urgency shining through thanks to the production of These Arms Are Snakes drummer Chris Common. Mellow moments are augmented by keyboard and synth tones, giving the entire album a more eclectic feel, while a tight rhythm section keep everything in check. The visceral screams and singing which fronts most of the music may ring of screamo too much for some listeners, but fit the music admirably, and complete an infectious sound. Rock, emo and metal influences also creep into the multifaceted sound.

The album comes in an unusual DVD-size digipack which echoes the band’s attention to detail in their music. Emotive, innovative and memorable, Drown That Holy End In Wine is an excellent debut.


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Official The Coma Recovery website
Official Failed Experiment Records website