The Comics/Graphic Novels and Everything Related Thread


May 22, 2003
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For christmas I got
Vol. 1 New X-Men
Vol. 1 Ex Machina - The First Hundred Days
the graphic novel Persepolis

Haven't gotten around to readin' them yet, but I may start the X-Men today, take a break from Star Wars novels. Anyone read these?

What are you favorite current series? Favorite Graphic Novels?

Also, the Watchmen movie better not suck, or else I'm going rape a small child.

Yeah, I'm a little worried about that. Apparently at first they wanted to put it in modern times with the terrorist threat instead of commies, but then they realized that was FUCKING RETARDED
Last Blood

After zombies take over the Earth, vampires must protect the last surviving humans so they can live off their blood.

Any fan of Preacher should love this.

It's an online comic but I think they had physical copies available.

Check it out.
Last Blood

After zombies take over the Earth, vampires must protect the last surviving humans so they can live off their blood.

Any fan of Preacher should love this.

It's an online comic but I think they had physical copies available.

Check it out.

Strange, that is the exact same plot to the book Roses of
blood on barbwire vines.


Anyone read "Y: The Last Man"?
Strange plague kills off everyone/thing with a Y chromosome, leaving only women and females of other species except the main character Yorick and his monkey Ampersand. Just read the first TPB. It gets a little feministy every once in a while, but its really entertaining. Plenty violent, with good dose of humor in it.
Suggestions for those looking for a little something different

Midnight Nation, written by J. Michael Straczynski

"The main character, Police Detective David Grey, finds himself in a world of people who have slipped between the cracks. These are the ignored, forgotten, and dispossessed people that society neglects. They eventually realize that nobody can see them anymore. These forgotten people share the same world with us, but they can only interact with things that have been discarded or forgotten. David Grey's reason for being in this world is far more sinister, and a mysterious woman named Laurel guides him on a quest to reclaim his stolen soul."

Rising Stars, also by J. Michael Straczynski

"The story follows the lives of 113 people who were in utero when a mysterious "flash" hit their town. As the children grow up, they demonstrate different supernatural powers. Straczynski approaches the story from a real world perspective. What good is being invulnerable if you can't do anything else? How do you get paid if you want to be a costumed crime fighter? What if you just want to be normal? How does the government protect normal people without trampling on the civil rights of those with powers?"