The Comics/Graphic Novels and Everything Related Thread

I really need to read those. A few years ago, my brother (who is a comic aficianado) for some reason thought that the first giant collection of Sandman would be a good present for my dad, who basically only reads boring biographies about dead white men. As a result, its been sitting alone on a shelf ever since. I'm thinking next time I go home I'm gonna liberate it.

Today I bought:

Punisher Max Vol. 2
Rising Stars Vol. 1
Y Vol. 2
Y Vol. 3
Anyone read "Y: The Last Man"?
Strange plague kills off everyone/thing with a Y chromosome, leaving only women and females of other species except the main character Yorick and his monkey Ampersand. Just read the first TPB. It gets a little feministy every once in a while, but its really entertaining. Plenty violent, with good dose of humor in it.
I started to read it, but stopped after #6 or so. kinda boring.
But Shai Lebeuf is playing Y
now have read 3 volumes of Y, and i actually think this is one of the best series ive read. It has a unique post-apocalyptic feel to it, and a decent dose of humor thrown in with that gritty violence and drama.
Reading Final Crisis 7 right now. Pretty good series. And I finally picked up Batman: Cacophony 2 and 3. Really should read those, and I dug #1 a lot. Kevin Smith is getting better at writing comics than he is movies. :lol:
The Meat Ship.
