The coolest plugin in a long time (AU-only)

Let it burn...

Orgasm Donor
Oct 22, 2007
check it out:

Desk is a universal binary AU plugin to turn your DAW into a real mixing desk. It goes on every channel, every buss, every output- everywhere- and turns digital math into very clean console sound. +18db headroom. Not a fuzz tone or tape sim. No mud. Desk is $49.99.

Here's how and why it works.

Very few things in real life, whether acoustic or electrical, are really mathematically perfect. Air compresses, circuits distort, everything becomes nonlinear- yet DAWs, even ones as nice as Logic, remain entirely linear. That's great to build on, but it compels people to throw all sorts of tape emulations etc. at the problem.

Desk takes both signal level and slew rate and makes them nonlinear. You could say it warps the reality of your DAW! But unlike tape and distortion effects, Desk is not designed to distort at 0 db. Its headroom is a solid 18 db or so above zero, like a real console- and it isn't meant to sound great when run into blatant distortion, any more than real consoles do. (Hit a buss hard if you really want the sound of stressed hardware.)

Sounds like a lot of bulshit? Yeah, I thought the same, until i tested Channel, the free version of Desk :kickass:.

I've been using it on all tracks of a project atm and holy crap, there really is something happening to the sound of my mix. It's strange because when I solo a track, I don't hear the plugin working but when I bypass all instances of it the overall sound of my mix becomes very dull and lifeless.

Seriously, check it out. It's really strange
holy SHIT! There's a huge bunch of free AUs in there! I guess I'll be spending today testing them :)