The County Medical Examiners


Tonka Time

heard caspers dictum on sirius's hard attack and thought it was pretty good, so i started lookin up stuff on um and found out theyre actual doctors lol and from looking at a pic of theyre band members it would be funny to see a live show.
You know why you've never seen a live show anywhere?

Because they don't play them. Know why?

Because the doctor thing is just a surface gimmick. The actual members are from Exhumed, etc.

And yes, the new album rules.
You know why you've never seen a live show anywhere?

Because they don't play them. Know why?

Because the doctor thing is just a surface gimmick. The actual members are from Exhumed, etc.

And yes, the new album rules.

Are you sure it's just a gimmick? I don't know anything about the band, but then Metal-Archives would be wrong, and Metal-Archives can never be wrong. It says that they're all in the medical field, doesn't list any other bands for the band members, and the Exhumed member is an ex member of the band.
According to

Controversy surrounds the identity of the band members, as they use pseudonyms to avoid the wrath of hospital administration and fan attention. One rumor suggests that TCME contains at least one member of Exhumed, mostly because the domain name for the band's website was registered by a former member of Exhumed, and not under the name of the "band members," but it's now commonly accepted that TCME, being uninterested in their online promotion, have many people behind the scenes--including various other Carcass clone bands, as well as Relapse Records staff--donating their time to web design and promotion, as well as guest musical appearances.

I wouldn't know though, I only heard about them 5 minutes ago.
There's no way those guys are 60 or whatever. And it's certainly an indication that there are no live vids or anything of them.
M-A only says that one guy is 60, and that he's only in the band "for fun" and has not interest in Metal or Goregrind, not that they're all 60.
There's no way those guys are 60 or whatever. And it's certainly an indication that there are no live vids or anything of them.

I think I read somewhere that they are only a studio band, so yeah, there wouldn't be any live vids of them.

Edit: Ahh, on MA it says "The band also never does live shows. "
ive jus recently been into them and have read about um on wikipedia, hadnt seen the thing that said theyre a studio band before tho. i jus figured that they didnt have live footage cus theyre fairly new. another thing i heard about um is theyre new cd is a scratch and sniff that smells like rotten meat lol.
They're not new, they've been around for 6 years. I'm telling you, the reason they don't do live shows is because they are not really that old or all doctors or anything.
I've only listened to their latest album, which I quite enjoyed. I've read some interviews, and they gave a reason for why they don't do live shows - I can't remember why though, it wasn't anything big or a result of apparent 'rumors'. As far as I know they are just a studio project - maybe they're too busy being doctors to play live :p