The Crown Album Update

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
THE CROWN Prepare To Mix 'Possessed 13'
Swedish thrashers THE CROWN, recently rejoined by original vocalist Johan Lindstrand, have completed the recordings for their new album, "Possessed 13", and are taking a three-week break before returning to Gothenburg's Studio Fredman in mid-June to mix the effort for a tentative September release. "It sounds very fuckin' great and we can't wait to release this fury upon your souls," Lindstrand wrote in a recent online posting. "It has gone very smooth in the studio, no problems at all and everybody is working their asses off. When we're not beating our instruments we are kickin' each other's asses in Tekken 4 and the undisputed champion is for the moment Janne. We have now tuned down the guitars even more to get a more deadly sound to the songs and it [is] fuckin' working, and the fast songs have become even more faster than the pre-production we did. As I'm writing this [on Thursday, May 22] I have only one more song to do vocals on and that's 'Dawn Of Emptiness', a mid tempo song that`s gonna end the album along with the instrumental piece 'The Endless Gate'. Marcus has also some solos left to do and the shit he's done so far has fuckin' blown me away.

"Yeah, I got to tell you, it's great to be back in hell again, where I belong hehehe."

The tentative track listing for "Possessed 13" is as follows:

01. No Tomorrow
02. Deliverance
03. Face Of Destruction / Deep Hit Of Death
04. Are You Morbid?
05. Dream Bloody Hell (instrumental)
06. Cold Is The Grave
07. Kill 'Em All
08. Morningstar Rising
09. Natashead Overdrive
10. Bow To None
11. Zombiefied!
12. Dawn Of Emptiness
13. The Endless Gate (instrumental)
Dirt Junior said:


OUT FOR BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me too , that cd is cool. That drummer is on crack , super fast fills and double bass
Crowned in Terror is fucking awesome i love every song!
plus the vocals are quite intresting not what youd expect from a speady death metaly act with some rock infusion.... quite clever =)
