The Crust/grind thread


New Metal Member
Mar 15, 2006
since the thread in GMD got closed, this is a thread for discussion of all things crusty and grindy.

discuss away!
If anyone could recommend some bands similar to Nasum/Rotten Sound/Deathbound/Gadget/Sayyadina or bands similar to Disfear/Martyrdöd/Skitsystem/No Security/Axegrinder I'd be all happy. ;o
Any D-beat fans here? Disfear, Decontrol, Skitsystem, Discharge, The Varukers, etc. Love that shit.
I feel abit out the loop here, what the hell is Crust?

And no, I won't respect you more if you make some kind of pseudo-witty reply such as "It's the bit you find on the end of bread".
I feel abit out the loop here, what the hell is Crust?

And no, I won't respect you more if you make some kind of pseudo-witty reply such as "It's the bit you find on the end of bread".

Its like the dirty and thrashy version of punk.

Sex Pistols
Dead Kennedys
The Clash
UK Subs

Crust Punk
Skit System
Axe Grinder
World Burns To Death

Hate Them,Sardonic Wrath and The Cult Is Alive from Darkthrone all show a great amount of crust influence.
GRINDCORE :headbang:

Love Pig Destroyer and Anal Cunt

Not a huge fan of crust, nothing comes to mind anyway