The D.G. Ibanez Fixed Bridge RG - FOR SALE! \w/

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

I am selling my Ibanez Fixed RG. If you are interested in buying it, please send me a message on facebook or an e-mail to:

I am willing to sell it w/ case included for a very reasonable price.

I purchased this guitar new in Toronto, May 2007. It traveled with me to Seoul, South Korea and was my best friend on those long and strange lonely days in the East. + I wrote some "Woods 4: The Green Album" stuff on it.

The only modification is the installation of a 'Seymour Duncan' pickup at the bridge, donated by Pedro Chae from the Korean Death Metal band NECRAMYTH.

I am now selling it simply because for a guy who prefers a simple rig, I simply have too many instruments of at my disposal. This guitar is being neglected and I need to find it a new loving home.

Please be in touch! Thanks!

David Gold - \w/
I want "Your Ontario" flag :p That looks like an awesome guitar, I'd totally be interested if I wasn't a poor, student musician :p I love guitars with just the sweet wood finish like that.
Since you are selling your guitars, what are you getting to replace them? Personally, I think an LP would sound good with your sound, or some other thick sounding guitar.
I'm going all-synth a-la BURZUM. Selling all my guitars. After this one, just two to go. :) Then it's off to the keyboard store!!!!

Dude, make sure to get a mini-Moog or something, those things are fuckin badass! :headbang:
I really cant get over the finish and look of that guitar. I'm so used to seeing Ibanezs, ESPs, typical metal and shred guitars having these crazy colours and finishes, which is cool, but seeing an Ibanez with such a natural, organic look is just kickass. I'd love to have an SG with that exact finish, with some EMGs in it, that would be one hell of a guitar.
Yeah I am going to to buy a SG soon (after Christmas) I wish I could get one with a natural finish.

I dont think I would wnat emg's anymore though, Theyre good for distorion (well alright), and with some experimenttion I have found out that passive pickups are the way for me to go. Also SG"s are hell of alot trebely.
Interesting. I'm getting an ESP Viper 100, going to put EMGs in it cause I just want it for metal and a ripping tone basically. Also have an SG which I would leave the normal passives. SGs are great for an in between lead and rhythm imo, plus its just a great body shape :p
Well I'm a student, so I'm hella cheap :p The ESP is a LTD, hence Viper 100. My SG is the Epiphone Goth G-400, its a friggin wicked looking guitar, I really get a ripping sound with my digitech metal master, and my Crate half stack, honestly I've heard a lot worse tone out of far more expensive rigs. But I'm not selling, sorry :p
Definitely recommended guitars though, I know DG has mentioned before that they have a great sort of inbetween a Les Paul heaviness and more typical lead guitar type thing. And like I said, SG body shapes are just epic win :p