The Darkness - Permission to Land


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hi guys,

What's everyone's thoughts on this debut album by the darkness. I bought it the day it came out and have to say that i am really really impressed with it. I hadn't heard much from them before. I know that they'd had about 5 singles or something, but i dont listen to the radio so i hadn't heard many. Anyway, i saw them opening for Deep Purple and Lynard Skynard at Wemblym Arena, and after hearing them, i knew i had to get the album.

Admittedly, his voice can somtimes sound kinda spoof like, but the quality of the material is very high. They sound like they could have come straight out of the 80's. The lepard skin spandex on stage just furthers this point. :loco:

So what are you opions on this great album? and if you haven't already got it i could highly recommend it!
Well Metallian - I have to say, I also bought it on the day it came out, in fact I wanted it so much, I bought it twice!! :lol: Ok, so I got one for me, one for Paxoman, but I didn't half get a funny look from the man in Music Zone!! I'd actually gone in just to get it for Paxoman, but decided to get myself a copy too! I'm very glad I did :grin:

Like you, I don't listen to the radio, but had heard a couple of tracks at my beloved's flat and LOVED it, and bought the album on the strength of the ones I'd heard. Have to say though, I love the entire album, and haven't had it out of the CD player since I got it.

I know what you mean about his voice though - but that always makes me laugh when I hear it, and cheers me up on my way to work :)

They are playing in Manchester in October :) BUT it's all sold out! :(
Yeah it certainly is a good album. A bit of pop/rock, a bit of Queen, and a bit AC/DC guitaring all thrown together. I wouldn't take the singing, or indeed The Darkness too seriously. Just take it for the fun that I'm sure it is intended to be.

If you want a band that doesn't take themselves too seriously, and a catchy sing-a-long album, then get Permission to land.
I must admit, I'm haven't been taken in by them yet. They do seem like just the fashionable thing to like at the moment.
First saw them supporting The Wildhearts and they were damn good, but the album gets on your tits after a while as Justin can't actually sing very well.
Good fun and great live, but not amazing.
I know what you mean Lagoon - if there's a bandwagon, lots of people will jump on it, just to be "trendy"!!

I do really love that album though - not because he's a class singer or anything - just because his singing makes me smile and it's got catchy singalong tunes on it! So that can't be a bad thing, if I'm smiling on my way to work! :grin:

As for them being great live - well, I did want to see them in Manchester - but both gigs sold out straight away! :( Am hopefully seeing them in London though instead! :)

A mate of mine saw them support Def Leppard twice - he said no-one could understand a word they were singing and were looking at each other wondering "what the F"...and he wouldn't see them again if they played in his own back garden!! :lol: Still, each to his own! :)
I'm with Strange Highways on this one, saw them support Def Leppard and they made me cringe.

More worrying still is the Bass player who could be the son of "Dobby" innocence is no excuse era !
I agree with most of the positive posts about these guys. Since I'm in the States there absolutely no trend about these guys. No one has heard of The Darkness on this side of the "pond" and that makes it a little more fun, I think.

Yeah, his voice gets to me after a while. :p It comes & goes... I like it most of the time.

BTW, I've heard our European record company is considering us as part of the Nu Breed(?) -- I thought we were a hard rock band.

jmillion said:
BTW, I've heard our European record company is considering us as part of the Nu Breed(?) -- I thought we were a hard rock band.


Depends what they mean by Nu Breed.
If hard rock bands like The Darkness etc are considered this, they're spot on. If they are considering throwing you in with nu metal type bands they've got there wires cross big time.