The Darkside Show July 28th

Rider of Theli said:
Any other ATL area Prog/Power fans plan to attend this show with Devane and Halcyon Way [and two other bands]? See this MySpace site for some details:

I hope to be there for my first ever Darkside show. :kickass: And I hope to see some of you there also! :heh:


Bah. It's a Friday night, which means I gotta be at WREKage.

I'm a bit surprised neither band has contacted us about pimping the show on the air. (Having said that, I'd expect to see them at the studio this Friday. :))
Hrm maybe. Just listening to Devane now for the first time and I like it. And I'd like to see Halcyon. Will depend on if the girlfriend is interested or not. I'll let ya know.
rottingflesh said:
You guys have a great time... :)
Kathy, glad to see you are getting out... no call?

Yep; first show since my foot surgery.... C'mon Linda, now I've called and e-mailed and you don't live far from the Darkside, so you better show up for at least one beer. :kickass: Will be there between 9 and 10. Halcyon Way goes on at 10:15, I believe. Devane plays last.
Rider of Theli said:
oh, hey, does anyone know if they allow photography in the club? I'd like to get a few shots of the bands on stage. And perhaps some shots with fellow ProgPower fans. :cool:

People were taking pictures last time we were there. :)