The Death of Audiogalaxy and opinions following its demise.

Frost of the sanctum

Broken Lance
Feb 20, 2002
Bridgeview Illinois
Well now that AG is a copyrighted and will be following napster down the drain, I would really like to know mister Vintersorg's opinion on this is. I know its hard for a musician to comment on such a thing. But let me put it this way if it wasnt for Audiogalaxy I wouldnt know about 75% of the bands I do, and concequently wouldnt have about 75% of the cd's I have purchased. So all of the lesser known bands and artists will lose money while rich untalented ........people will protect thier income. To be honest Mister V. If It wasnt for Audiogalaxy I would never have heard your beautiful music. So I am angered at its loss, but what do you think?
Allright sorry. But one more thing

@Vintersorg: What is your reaction towards someone like me who openly admits he has the full promo leaked mp3s of your upcoming album?. I wont get into the " oh, ill buy it as soon as i can" and stuff i just want to know if it is too frustrating or if you are kinda prepared for this kinda stuff and dont over concern with things you probably cant stop.
People that openly admits that they're doing illegal things, are kinda dull, right? We'll take necessary actions to guard our material, as I've claimed several times now "we're not aiming to be rich and famous" just wants to be able to continue to write and record albums, which will be very hard now when we're forced to have daily jobs, just imagine yourself working up to 60h a week and then be creative and write new material after you come home!! and touring just fades away.

mr V
Thanks for sharing your opinions. However i just think we disagree because the life you describe is the life i would willingly choose to leave cause i love to do music too, and the artists seem to get too close to the sensitivity area without looking at the bigger picture.
Just something that has been on my mind for a while....

I don't understand why so many people have a hard time grasping why filesharing should be banned.
It is after all quite simple , it is the property of another person , and you have no right to download , copy , give freely , trade , sell or otherwise distribute any part of this material without permission from the owner of the work.
This goes not only for music , this goes also for books , art , movies , software and anything else that is copyright protected.
What part of that is unclear??

Is it really necessary to have to try to appeal to your sense of moral? Do you feel the owners of copyrighted material owes you anything?
When you "buy" copyrighted material , you only buy the priviliege to have access to it. There is NO REAL ownership involved on your part as someone who "buys" the cd's of a band.
Even if a band or a label is "rich" , does it really justify stealing from them?

Even though many labels treats their artist badly , and they do take most of the money the cd sales produces , you have to remember they are still a necessary evil for the artists signed today. So when you think you're stealing from them , you are actually stealing from us because they calculate all copyright breeches as potential losses , the artists are the ones that in the long run suffer the consequences , i.e. the potential economic growth for the band lessens. Another consequense might be that this actually prolonges the need for a band to be involved with a label , and thus the current price for a cd will still be on the rise.

The people whom develop filesharing software , are actually undermining our right as owners to have control over our work.
WE as owners should be the ones to decide when and where and how we want to publish our own works. No one else.
So anyone using , or supporting filesharing tools , are more against us than for us. Even though one might claim to have become a fan through the filesharing tools and thus as a consequence "buys" our works.

But there is another issue that needs to be adressed:
Why are recording devices available to the general public??
Companies like Sony (just an example) are in a moral dilemma on this , because as a label they are against filesharing etc. , and as an audio-component developer/producer they only want to make money by serving the public gluttony.

Shure i am against artists, thats why i would never dream of supporting myself as one, if i wanted to do so i would sell my talents like any other job, i wouldnt be doing any expression and trying to make a living out of it, that what is plain wrong the approach people like you has. Thats why people gets over sensitive even with responsable fans like in metal scenes were everyone is looked down to if he doesnt supports the artists. Beign a musician is not a viable profession, it has never been and it will never be. Selling your musician skills can be a talent and that is the case with most commercial acts.

I just hear this too many times and too many times i also hear thousands of other artist confirming my theory: you will never make a living out of it. Shure is a big effod, shure a lot of things have to be done to make your expression reach the audience you want it to reach, and a lot of sacrifices have to and will be made, but neither the fans nor do other artist want to hear about it, everyone has lives with problems and everyone chooses their destiny and no one is forcing anyone to keep going, so i guess im saying that these kind of over reactions are really not necessary at all unless you are under the misconception of making a living out of artistic expression wich is an utopia and in reality will never happen.
Well , whatever...
I've never had any extra money or anything , I do not have any misconceptions about what I do. I do not see what I do as a job , it is a way of life for me. I just want to keep this going.
Shit , if I wanted alot of money , would I have started playing in bands like Emperor??
No way , I would have gotten myself a conventional education and a career in whatever trade. Becoming a millionaire in the music-industry is like winning the lottery , slim chances indeed.
But becoming a millionaire was never my goal....

All the same , piracy still pisses me off , because it involves my future , and I , like anyone else want to have some say in that.

Damn you really are one pissed off individual Misanthrope to be going on like this.
I think that Tyr and Mr V have every right to be pissed off at people like you who don't contribute by buying their cds or whatever if you like their music. You can't really call yourself a fan if you just rip off the bands you follow, and it is ripping them off having copies of their cds from downloading on the internet.
It is stealing and you obviously don't have much of a conscience if you think otherwise.
Now you saying that it is only an expression and not a real job,you are sadly mistaken because like any other job it requires talent to be a musician and damn,Mr V and Tyr are very talented musicians. Have you got as far as them?
I think not.
Anyway this is just my 2 cents worth and if you disagree that is the freedom you have and I will not argue with you because it won't change the bitterness you obviuosly feel.
From one crazy Australian fan.
Piracy is one thing, mp3 are a totally different one. Shure people gets technical about it but truth to be told, mp3 help more than the damage their done. Lets take Vintersorg for example, Before he joined UM he had his fan base. After that a lot of people realized he even existed for the first time, and got interested in his music, his fan base grew and his sales will probably improve. How do you think these people tried out Vintersorg for the first time? I dare to say 90% of the time they did so with mp3. So can you go around telling people who wants to let other people know about your band to stop it? Thats the idea behind mp3 distribution. Shure it gets exploited and you get kids downloading tons of cds and not buying them, but you reach more people in the mean time wich should be a great plus. I mean nothing in life will be perfect or convenient, do we have to focus on the negative side of things just because your lives seem tough sometimes? Are you honestly ready to turn down limitless free promotion for your band?.

Ill say promotion involves your future, but you are looking at it the wrong way. Some of the things that keep your way of life are alternative ways of promotions for bands, its not called underground for nothing.
Originally posted by CRYSCYTHE
Damn you really are one pissed off individual Misanthrope to be going on like this.
I think that Tyr and Mr V have every right to be pissed off at people like you who don't contribute by buying their cds or whatever if you like their music. You can't really call yourself a fan if you just rip off the bands you follow, and it is ripping them off having copies of their cds from downloading on the internet.
It is stealing and you obviously don't have much of a conscience if you think otherwise.
Now you saying that it is only an expression and not a real job,you are sadly mistaken because like any other job it requires talent to be a musician and damn,Mr V and Tyr are very talented musicians. Have you got as far as them?
I think not.
Anyway this is just my 2 cents worth and if you disagree that is the freedom you have and I will not argue with you because it won't change the bitterness you obviuosly feel.
From one crazy Australian fan.

You totally miss my point. You know what a musician job is? Teaching music, playing at weddings, doing commercial music or music for movies that is a job as a musician. None of that stuff makes you an artist, expression does. If you like to talk about your feelings, can you make a living out of it? Didnt think so. Thats the whole point.

Now i thought it was pretty clear that i leaved the " o but i buy the cds" topic behind because i do buy them and i think it should be pretty obious, but since a pretentious judgemental little idiot thinks i dont even knowing i never said so, i guess i can trow my 3 Vintersorg cds to the garbage.
Sorry about getting carried away Misanthrope. I have a tendancy to do this a bit.
Anyway having said this I agree mp3's are a good base to find new music but I believe it has to be within reason. C'mon downloading a couple of mp3's is one thing but d/l an entire cd is outright piracy. Anyway thats my view once more and you are entitled to yours.
So peace out.
From the southern most killer himself
Thats why people is pissed off about AG, very few people get full cds from there and the only one i could get is an out of print spastik ink, and i couldnt even finish downloading it ( i have a descent cable connection so its no real problem on that area ).

Like i already said i just think is a little too negative and childish to focus on the "outright piracy" minority and forget about the "endless free promotion" factor.
So we finally agree on something woohoo.
Yeh I have better reason than you not to copy because I have a 56k modem and it sucks downloading stuff on the net but still I wouldn't d/l whole cds.
I prefer the cds with their packages and lyrics etc etc....
I have all 3 Vintersorg cds as well as the ep on cd and I have had the new Vintersorg cd on order for about the past month and a half from nuclear blast so damn I am so excited that I nearly have a copy.
yeeeeeeeehhhhhhh harrrr
Well, Mp3's can still be available from the website of the band.
For the bands , filesharing software is NOT necessary , it IS the bands and the label's concern to promote.
The 'hows' , 'wheres' and 'whens' should be up to the owner to decide , no matter what.
If you like the lyrics to figure out stuff you can imagine how does a Mexican pushing 2 idioms needs a lyrics booklet to figure out crazy Å's and ö's and stuff like that. That cant be done by ear i tell ya :p