The Deviant - Ravenous Deathworship

The Deviant - Ravenous Deathworship
Candlelight Records – CDL166 - 21/02/06
By Sam Brokenshaw


Off the bat, whoever mixed this album deserves a consummate slapping. The Deviant might be black metal, but to me they don't sound like the typical grim and tr00 type of band. Henceforth, why on earth is the production so thin and annoying? Secondly, please, please...sack the vocalist... the Darkthrone aping "old man with TB" style of black metal screeching is really, really annoying. Quit it. Now. Other than that, I struggle to find enough to say about this album to justify even publishing this review. The band rarely deviate from tried and tested formulas of trem picked riffs and blasts. Sure, they're musically competent and the drummer has chops enough to satisfy all but the most picky listener, but the trouble is, there's a complete dearth of any kind of unique identity here. So much so that the songs all blend into one long stream of by the numbers, lowest common denominator fast black metal.

This type of thing is done a lot better by bands such as 1349, kind of negating any purpose in doing this type of thing. The complete lack of any kind of new approach to the genre just leaves me cold. To my mind the band will have to improve significantly before they're worth the average extreme metal listener's ear. Avoidance would be a very good idea.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

The Deviant Website
Candlelight Records USA Official Website
Totally disagree! I found this to be a very scathing blast of blackened thrash with some pretty cool "groovy" riffs tossed in.

It's not original in the least, I'll sure grant that, but I think they do this style pretty well.o_O