"The Devil's Rejects" Rob Zombie does it again....


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
He has made a perfect sequel to " House of 1000 corpses".
He SUCK-CEDED in making a bigger piece of shit with his wife and former cast. I have a suggestion Rob- Keep your wife home in bed and make a movie that doesn't suck elephant cock. This movie was lamer than ishtar!
Let's face it folks. Rob Zombie couldn't direct traffic.
Buzzard said:
Let's face it folks. Rob Zombie couldn't direct traffic.
That's a fact!! Though I have to be honest your title almost had me believing you liked this piece of shit!!

It's going to finish as the biggest loser of the year (money wise)
I read the preview in the newspaper. I've never seen a movie get zero stars before. That's new. Back in 1996 or 1997, that gangsta movie "Belly" got rated half a star, or like two points from a star. I figgered, what could be lower than that? I guess Rob dug fresh earth with this one, eh?

That's exactly what he was shooting for. If you're not a fan of B-grade, exploitative, 70s style horror, then you're not going to like it. I am, on the other hand, and went to see it last night. Spent half the time digging the murder/chase scenes, the other half counting the references to seventies movies. For instance Ken Foree, the main dude from Dawn Of The Dead, played a pimp named Charlie, whose function in the movie's plot is exactly the same as Lando Calrissian's in Star Wars, which itself was referenced earlier in the film by one of Charlie's ho's saying she might try dressing up like Princess Leia to drum up more custom. Michael Berryman from The Hills Have Eyes has a small part, there's an axe-in-the-chest gag taken from The Shining, chase scenes straight out of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (as well as a rather neat 'face mask'/Leatherface gag)... plus a neat subversion of the 70s horror cliche that there's always one last girl to be chased by the psycho at the end - except in this case, the 'last girl' is the remaining mobile member of the killer family, and the 'psycho' is the cop (now gone mad) who's chasing her...

It's not perfect, of course - some of the dialogue is terrible ('Fuck you!' 'Fuck YOU!' seems to be the main conversational theme in the movie), the acting is pretty sub-par, and the climax is drawn out for a bit too long in order to match the timing of the song playing behind it, but I still thought it was a worthwhile flick.
i already made a thread about this movie, but now that everybody is coming forward saying how shitty it is, i would really like to hear the reasoning behind it. i thought it was great, and i liked the first one too (ya ya i know a texas chainsaw massacre rip off, but come up with more logic than that)

let it begin... and if nobody replies to this...then you have no reasons at all. i want examples. cause it has good elements in it, violence, sex, and more senseless violence, and a decent plot.
gaschamber said:
a decent plot.
I'll give you the rest (Violence,Sex,etc...) There's no way he made that movie that bad on purpose....No fucking way!! The whole purpose of getting a movie theatrical release is to make money, The directors goal is to make money
And that goes for all directors INCLUDING ROB ZOMBIE!!! So don't give me any of this he has enough money shit...Save it!! The story's a fucking joke!!
(But then again so was 1000 Corpses) This movie will finish with the least amount of dollars made this year....I'll make that bet with anyone here..
He would've been better off buying a screenplay and casting actual actors in a movie that he probably would still butcher behind the camera..Instead of making a sequel to a movie which really sucked! Being a musician who can direct his own videos or a rabid movie fan does not make somebody director...Sorry, he broke even on Corpses and it took dvd sales to get him there, I just hope he's that lucky this time around.

And F.Y.I. I am fan of B-grade, exploitative, 70s style horror but he clearly used that as a scapegoat to justify how fucking bad this movie is..
everyone likes horror movies here...right?

ok...here is the problem with horror movie nerds. every asshole wants a new original idea, plotwise, and doesnt want to see a remake that everyone bitches about...right? RIGHT.

now, when someone comes up with an original idea (and im not just talking about rob zombie specifically), everyone bitches cause it aint like the originals, and you hate remakes. PICK A FUCKING SIDE. i know most movies are pointless crap, but i watch a movie for the reason they make movies...FOR FUCKIN ENTERTAINMENT. nothing more.

insert all the brainchildrens ideas for NEW IDEAS for horror movies that havent been done before that dont suck.....

i cant do it, and neither can anyone else.

bottom line...its just a movie to kill 2 hours.
gaschamber said:
everyone likes horror movies here...right?

ok...here is the problem with horror movie nerds. every asshole wants a new original idea, plotwise, and doesnt want to see a remake that everyone bitches about...right? RIGHT.

now, when someone comes up with an original idea (and im not just talking about rob zombie specifically), everyone bitches cause it aint like the originals, and you hate remakes. PICK A FUCKING SIDE. i know most movies are pointless crap, but i watch a movie for the reason they make movies...FOR FUCKIN ENTERTAINMENT. nothing more.

insert all the brainchildrens ideas for NEW IDEAS for horror movies that havent been done before that dont suck.....

i cant do it, and neither can anyone else.

bottom line...its just a movie to kill 2 hours.
You know what GC...I was starting to feel guilty about my last post even before you made this one....I'm not claiming to be right dude, and my last post was strictly opinion...I have a pretty long history with movie production
(Including my own IMDB Page) and let my mouth get ahead of my brain.
You liked the flick, and you're not alone other people did too!! I didn't
but hey that's life...I would like to see Rob reap some dough from this movie
I just don't think it's going to happen...
there aint nothing to feel guilty about. its a simple conversation between 2 disagreeing parties. but you have to see my point about the horror nerds, that is fact. i argue with my buddie about every "horror" movie that comes out. "they need to make original movies, i hate remakes"...then the original movie comes out "that sucks it aint like the classics".

times change, ideas do too, goes with music also.
I concur Gaschamber! I dug the movie alot. I feel ya pain man.can't please everyone. as you said the same goes with music.kiss for example. fans just wanted the original line up. they got that and a bunch of people wanted the then current line-up to come back and tour for the final l.p. they had put out before the reunion.prior to that fans wanted unplugged. they got that and then complained how the songs sucked as acoustic versions.later -god all the fans wanted was a studio l.p.- just a studio l.p.(institutionalized from suicidal plays in background lmao!)they got that. ofcourse yet again not enough- it sucks and isnt classic kiss.its all just point of view and personal taste whether you like something or not imo.
Evil Dead said:
not much can be worse than that.

Ya see, I just can't understand this. So, according to those who liked this movie, Rob Zombie was "paying tribute" to the lousy B-movies of the 1970s by remaking scenes and including inside jokes that only someone who's seen those movies could understand and, I suppose, appreciate.

But everyone admits those lousy B-rated movies of the 70s sucked fucking bull balls!

Why the FUCK would anyone wanna pay money and piss away their precious time to see a monument to the worst fucking shit of 30 years ago?

Goddamn! Why don't I just take a dump right now and have it bronzed, so I can pass it down to future generations?


Jurched said:
But everyone admits those lousy B-rated movies of the 70s sucked fucking bull balls!

Everyone except people who actually have some affection for the 70s slasher/exploitation horror genre. I like psychological horror as much as the next guy, but sometimes I just want to see stupid people torn to shreds in imaginatively repulsive ways by utterly batso killers, preferably in weird costumes. It's more visceral, and thus more cathartic.