"The Devil's Rejects" sucked ass!

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
The first hour of this movie was little more than a string of loosely tied gruesome images and disturbing scenarios. Nothing original, nothing compelling. When the movie finally turns, Rob opts for the obvious over the refreshing. The final scene, while very well shot, was just beyond silly.

Spoiler Alert (scroll down):

When the shitkickers show up at the hotel, and catch the trio unaware, I was really hoping they would kill the trio in the same manner that the trio had dispatched their victims; unaware, unprepared, defenseless, and with brutality. This route would have been refreshing, in my eyes. However, Zombie opts for the obvious. Having Otis save them at the last second, just lacked creativity. Forgetting that two in the basement would have burned or died of smoke inhalation, long before Otis got them out, keeping them alive for the highway gun battle added nothing to the film. And the highway gun battle was just too lame for words. Would the police really have given them five minutes to prepare for the gun fight before they even cocked their own weapons? The final scene was more reminiscent of "Thelma and Louise" than it was of the genre's classics.

dude ... that whole scene cut to Freebird was fucking great ... certainly original.
why are you trying to "dissect" a film of this caliber? :loco:
point is .. after 1000 corpses this was like his Goodfellas ... lightyears ahead in cohesion.
lurch70 said:
dude ... that whole scene cut to Freebird was fucking great
As i said, the last scene was shot well.

lurch70 said:
...certainly original.
Only if you've never seen "Thelma and Louise".:loco:

lurch70 said:
why are you trying to "dissect" a film of this caliber?
Well, I didn't want to come on the board, say the film "sucked ass" and leave it at that.

weird, Thelma and Louise is one of my fave movies, but it did not remind me of it at all ... i see where you are coming from though.

there were numerous scenes in Rejects where the violence was completely drowned out by the soundtrack ... pretty cool.
lurch70 said:
point is .. after 1000 corpses this was like his Goodfellas ... lightyears ahead in cohesion.
Really? I liked the first one better. Granted, all the shit in the sub-basement with Dr. Satan was just completely incoherent, but the first hour was excellent. The only cool thing about this flick was Ginger Lynn fucking the clown.

:worship:Ginger Lynn:worship:

lurch70 said:
there were numerous scenes in Rejects where the violence was completely drowned out by the soundtrack ... pretty cool.
It had its moments. Maybe I'm more annoyed with it because it could have been something special, but missed the mark. I tend to react more negatively to those movies than those that just have zero value right from the word go.

General Zod said:
It had its moments. Maybe I'm more annoyed with it because it could have been something special, but missed the mark. I tend to react more negatively to those movies than those that just have zero value right from the word go.


these type of genre flick to me is all about mood ... and it feels it set the right mood ... oddly enough the whole movie kinda reminded me of the first half of From Dusk till Dawn ... if I had to compare it to anything.

1000 corpses was too campy and funny to me ... way too over the top.
lurch70 said:
this type of genre flicks to me is all about mood ... and it feels it set the right mood...
I can see that.

lurch70 said:
oddly enough the whole movie kinda reminded me of the first half of From Dusk till Dawn ... if I had to compare it to anything.
I can see that as well.

lurch70 said:
1000 corpses was too campy and funny to me ... way too over the top.
But intentionally so, as a homage to some of the classic horror films of the previous decades.

But intentionally so, as a homage to some of the classic horror films of the previous decades.

i can see that also ... but those are the movies I never liked ...

i like my horror moody and scary ... not funny.

ok ... we came to an agreement :loco: ... anyone else care to chime in.
I know NAD hated it too ...
the classics really ...

The Excorcist
Texas Chainsaw
The Omen
The Shining

nothing really memorable stands out from the indie types ... Evil Dead, etc probably

Dawn of the Dead
Evil Dead 2
Zombi 2
House by the Cemetary

5 good ones for starters, but that's only the beginning
this movie sucked ass. i mean HARD. it was REALLY fucking bad, and i quite enjoyed 1000 corpses.
weird. i was gunna start a top ten horror movie thread today but someone beat me to it.

meh, i hated that part in rejects how the killaz got out of the burning house virtually unscathed. i mean, the flames were literally inches from them - in reality you would simply suffocate. theres no oxygen in there!

anyway, my top five i guess:

5) Texas Chainsaw
4) Evil Dead
3) Night o' the Living Dead
2) Halloween
1) Dawn of the Dead

somewhere in the top 10: Evil Dead 2 and Cabin Fever