The 'DG Hearse' Chev Cavalier (I drive a 'deadly' automobile).

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
"Whoa, new song title!"

According to 'Consumer Reports' list of automobiles with 'Highest rates of driver death', my car ranked as the 7th most dangerous!

Highest rates of driver death
More than 140 driver deaths per million registered vehicle years for 2001-2004 model year. Make & model Rates per million:

1) Chevrolet Blazer (2 door, 2WD) 232
2) Acura RSX 202
3) Nissan 350Z 193
4) Kia Spectra (hatchback) 191
5) Pontiac Sunfire 179
6) Kia Rio 175
7) Chevrolet Cavalier (2 door) 171
8) Mitsubishi Eclipse 169
9) Dodge Neon 161
10) Pontiac Grand Am (2 door) 160
11) Chevrolet Cavalier (4 door) 150
12) Ford Mustang 150

A co-worker brought this to my attention today and I said "Yeah, I can deal with that. In fact, I'll somehow find a way of using that info to promote my band" etc... And here we are! :lol: To add to this report, based on my own experience, I would say that the main cause for deadly accidents involving my car would be blamed on 'black metal vocal practice while driving'. + The fact that my Cavalier is black just makes it that much more badass. Killer! :kickass:

See the complete article here:

Fear not! See you on the highway! :)

This my friends is a REAL cavalier. I used to drive this bad boy except it was a read one. It went through my older sister, older brother, then i got to drive it until the brake lines rusted out. Then we got the Olds' 88. That car is a beast!
Hey Matt,

I used to have one just like that before my current Cavalier, same color and everything, except mine was 2 door. It got totalled when some jerks carelessly crossed the centre lane in an intersection next to the University of Windsor (Huron Church and Wyandotte) and ruined both our cars. It happened about 10 pm, the night before 9/11 happened. I remeber waking up the next morning all sore, pissed off that my car was gone, turned on the tv and Bad times.

Ah, Cavaliers. :)
It doesn't matter what ever happens, it could always be so much worse.

Yeah, you could be driving a Peugeot 309!!!


Mine looks just like that one, except the aluminium... wheels? the things inside the tyres? :blush: are a bit different. But I´ve had my 309 ´91 for 2 months, and there´s been nothing but trouble!!!
Fuck that, today I bought a pair of 360W speakers to put behind the back seat. So now I can annoy other drivers with some METAL even more than now, hehe.... :rock:
Hey Matt,

I used to have one just like that before my current Cavalier, same color and everything, except mine was 2 door. It got totalled when some jerks carelessly crossed the centre lane in an intersection next to the University of Windsor (Huron Church and Wyandotte) and ruined both our cars. It happened about 10 pm, the night before 9/11 happened. I remeber waking up the next morning all sore, pissed off that my car was gone, turned on the tv and Bad times.

Ah, Cavaliers. :)

Damn... I remember when my brake lines rusted out. I was driving along and i all the sudden couldn't fucking stop! So i had to use the emergency brake.

Then when we went to a dealership to trade it in, like usual they test drove it and we kind of forgot to tell them it had no brakes! The lady test driving freaked out hardcore.:lol:
Damn... I remember when my brake lines rusted out. I was driving along and i all the sudden couldn't fucking stop! So i had to use the emergency brake.

my e-brake doesnt work so if my breaks die im SOL


here is my hearse

*edit except it is blue and the rims are so much cooler, oh and it has a umm custom "rust color" paint job in some parts, it took years to do so it has to be worth a lot... i think if i stood on the bumper it would fall off