the door guy of my building threatened to call the cops on me


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
apparently I look like some dude they're not supposed to let it.

cept I'm not 6'4"
nor am I 300lbs

but I do have a beard, which apparently fat huge guy also has.

door guy's english deficiency didn't help matters either.
shallow avi

did you find out the scoop on the actual dude?

"thees...thees man, he... he keel ze world wide websites... he bad man... AY, pesadilla quesadilla !"
so i imagine you were too pissed and indignant to even want to look?

i like this. i mean, i don't like that you almost got arrested (read into that as you may). but i like the dynamics of what's going on here. IMHO.
I didn't want to make too much of a spectacle and push the guy around. it was obviously a difficult situation with the language problem n all. I doubt I would've gotten arrested.
yeah i think if i was a security guard, and that was either the beginning or end of my shift, i'd be more apt to be jumpy at that hour.

although that is a REALLY big weight differential