The Doors of the 21st Century

If I'm not mistaken, he's talking about The Doors, you know, the band that used to have Jim Morrison. THey recently re-united believe w/o Jim of course.

If that is what Papa is talking about, I think it's ridiculous. That would be like Death getting together without Chuck, or Iron Monkey getting together without Johnny Morrow, or Mayhem getting together without Euronymous......oops.
That's what I thought when I heard about it...but if they're putting on a damn good show, then, well, power to 'em I guess!
Bottom line...

Comparing them to Death w/o Chuck is ludicrous. Chuck is an integral part of that band's compositional side, whereas Jim did not play an instrument. Ray MAnzarek and Robby Krieger were the musical masterminds behind the Doors, not Jim Morrison.

And before some sort of flame war starts here, I love Jim. But c'mon, these guys haven't had the opportunity to play this material in 30 years... The fact that they are playing it to perfection with Astbury is incredible.

Krieger was actually tapping Eddie van Halen style, that guy has learned so much over the years. That was evident.

Another highlight was the fact that they finally got do something that they had never been able to do .... when Morrison went to Paris, the plan had been to tour when he returned with a bass player (a first) and play the LA Woman album from beginning to end. This never happened for obvious reasons.

So, on Sunday they did exactly this. Pure genius.

I can't even begin to tell you guys how good it was....
Without wanting to sound like a bag-of-shit Rolling Stone-sponsored bandwagon jumper :p I'd like to say,I used to torment some 60s-worshipping faggots I knew with that fact that Jimmy Morryson is hailed for being a lyrical genius of our time...for writing his lyrics while stoned off his tits and thus making no sense to anyone but himself. Maybe if someone had held a dictaphone to my mouth back in my pot-smoking days and allowed me to turn them into lyrics, I could turn into a fat fuck and conk out in a bathtub after two years, and I would become the legend your kids eventually worship...scary thought, eh? Jimmy's like The Beatles, or The Spice Girls/S Club 7/Ant & Dec...clever marketing can bring you anything :loco:
I think this is friggin' great. I mean, just because Jim Morrison is dead, why should the remaining band members just throw away their instruments never to play again? Robbie Krieger wrote so much of the music, he's perfectly entitled to continue to play regardless of who's singing the material.

Also, for most of normal humanity who doesn't judge music based on how old it is, this is a great opportunity for fans who might have been too young (or not even born yet) to catch them back in the 60's/70s.
JayKeeley said:
I think this is friggin' great. I mean, just because Jim Morrison is dead, why should the remaining band members just throw away their instruments never to play again? Robbie Krieger wrote so much of the music, he's perfectly entitled to continue to play regardless of who's singing the material.

Also, for most of normal humanity who doesn't judge music based on how old it is, this is a great opportunity for fans who might have been too young (or not even born yet) to catch them back in the 60's/70s.

Great response, preach on, brother man!

All I'm saying Ali, is if this show comes through town, do yourself a fucking favor, go buy a ticket for you and Heather and enjoy.

Thank me later.