The Downward Fall Tablature

Dead Winter Reigns

New Metal Member
Feb 6, 2005
I am trying to print out the downward fall tablature so i can learn the song. i saved the tab but when i try to print I can not resize the picture correctly. wanted to know if anyone has printed the page. Thanks
Dead Winter Reigns said:
I am trying to print out the downward fall tablature so i can learn the song. i saved the tab but when i try to print I can not resize the picture correctly. wanted to know if anyone has printed the page. Thanks
Hey Dead Winter Reigns,
I've tried to print it as well, and what you have to do is use the windows expansion tab (it will pop up when your gliding the mouse over the pic). I don't know why it's like that though, I think I will re-post it in another format.
Let me know if your still having problems, Chris.
Thanks for the help but when i moved my mouse over the pic there was no windows expansion tab so what I did was edit the picture. I cut out parts of the tab and pasted them to the word program and printed them. They came out pretty good considering I had no idea what I was doing. Thanks for the help now I can take these to my lesson today.