the Drivers in the morning


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
peacefully at rest:

Samosa muscles in on Toby's turf:

Samosa > Toby:

and that, my friends, is all the pictures that I took.
omg that dog hugging picture is so adorable! i verify it's cuteness.

also: how did alex fare in a dog-filled house? did they gang up on him?
that cat, Twiglet, totally latched on to Alex and slept on his legs all night. It's hard to tell in this pic b/c of the light, but she's really not as orange as pumpkin. she's got some similar markings, but she's just a big fat crazy gray cat.
Twiglet is an awesome name for a cat. Fat cats are so much better than skinny ones (x10 in fact). One of my cat's has a habit of sitting exactly like a really lazy fat guy (slouched back, hand on crotch, etc.).
lizard said:
I like cats in all their infinite variety except maybe the hairless ones.

lean cats are fun because of their ability to leap high, far, and with amazing accuracy.
alas that is something pumpkin will never get to experience except for jumping accurately onto my bed and stepping accurately on my crotch as he walks towards my chest.