The Dust Connection - Album Release + FREE single


but you can call me Bruce
We're glad to annouce we've just signed a deal with Snakebite Records/Rock Inc. Our forthcoming debut album "Trails" is scheduled for release on December 11th this year.

From now, we offer you a FREE downloadable single, which includes three full HQ songs and artwork made especially for the occasion.

To obtain the single and for more information, go to

Love to hear your opinions!




It is available for streaming, and people can and will request your music.
If you ever want or need to have it off, for whatever reason, e-mail Mike or tell Dario or me. we'll take care of it of course.
Are you going to send out promos to internet stations or do I need to purchase a second one?
TRAILS - Great album!!!
I listen to it again and again! One of the best releases of year!
Thanks TDC!!!