The end of the road / basket case / irrecoverable breakdown thread


Suck my joined date.
Nov 21, 2007
I'm beginning to think I can't really deal with it all now. I've literally never really been happy in life for very long. I've always lived life like Travis Bickle, in multiple ways. I tried to get counselling and it was ok but the sessions never lasted long enough and part of it is that I have a problem with the way the world is. I mean, I know that's all a load of pretentious shit. I could easily end up homeless if my parents kicked me out, then who would give a shit about my views on anything, philosophy, religion, politics, whatever. No one would, so who the fuck am I.

Why do women have to be so fucking evil.

I can't see myself being happy and in a ltr with someone. Yes I've got with pretty girls but only due to the foreigner thing covering up my socially awkward nature. English women are pretty crap though. A lot of them are like Vicki Pollard.

I get these massive rages and just march up and down fantasizing about all kinds of crazy shit. I don't see how you can go from being likes this to having a movie happy ending.
Maybe try a new therapist for a second opinion?

I don't know much about you but maybe you shouldn't try too hard to find happiness. Don't give up on life, man and happy things will happen when you least expect them to.
You probably need to stop worrying about women and relationships, and get other aspects of your life in order.
Maybe try a new therapist for a second opinion?

I don't know much about you but maybe you shouldn't try too hard to find happiness. Don't give up on life, man and happy things will happen when you least expect them to.

How does it feel to act like you care about other people?
I believe there is a direct correlation between happiness and ignorance, unhappiness and knowledge: once you are smart enough to see through all the pretentious nonsense that human society tries to patch the void of oblivion with and realize that nothing means anything, it's all downhill from there. The world is Hell, but most people are blissfully ignorant of that fact as they happily march within their gullible little sheep herds.

By the way you mentioned that you are a foreigner somewhere, where are you living?
Yeah, you shouldn't determine your happiness to the fact that you are not in a relationship. If you rely on being in a relationship to make you happy, then you will never be happy because as cliche as it sounds no one can really make you happy.

Finding a hobby or a particular niche you are good at or passionate about would probably help you. People suck, yes, and women aren't saints but typically speaking people tend to like other people who have interests because interests make people interesting. Not saying that you don't have interests, I don't know of course, but it will help you to get to know other people and perhaps women you'd be interested in.
Mathiäs;10574971 said:
You probably need to stop worrying about women and relationships, and get other aspects of your life in order.

This. You're still a kid. First finish your education then go get a job. You don't have to worry about relationships at this young age. I know i don't. You'll find happiness in the end.
It sounds like you don't have a true, serious problem. you have a home and parents that are there to support you. so the problem lies in your thought patterns. If you choose to feed into negative cycles of thought then you will manifest a negative reality. If you spend all your time thinking about the negative in others, that's what you will be what you 1. predominately see in them and 2. what you draw out of them. Obviously, you don't want to go to the other extreme and ignorantly only see the good, but right now it seems that you lack realistic balance.

Also, stop focusing on other people and what they think about you. The only thing your promised in life is yourself, so focus on doing real, practical things to improve yourself. Start with the simple: do you 1. eat well 2. excerise reguarly 3. spend time outside? Remeber you are a series of chemical reactions; if your putting the wrong elements into yourself or using them the wrong way then that is more likely to make you feel "depressed".
I'm upset because other men are having sex with beautiful women right now and I'm not. I'm also not the type that a lot of them would go for these days.
I believe there is a direct correlation between happiness and ignorance, unhappiness and knowledge: once you are smart enough to see through all the pretentious nonsense that human society tries to patch the void of oblivion with and realize that nothing means anything, it's all downhill from there. The world is Hell, but most people are blissfully ignorant of that fact as they happily march within their gullible little sheep herds.

Your theory is loaded with contradictions. If "nothing means anything" them the world is neither good or bad. It just is. Therefore, when you claim that " the world is hell," you are just as ingornant and sheepish as those who are ignorantly blissful. You've just veered to the other extreme and in doing so, demonstrated yourself to be just as unenlightened as those you criticize.