Quality software for free :Smokin:
Waiting for the rectifier pluging. What does this guy do for a living (day job)?
I mean doing all these for free! I think i have to visit paypal soon...
What does this guy do for a living (day job)?
Metaltastic: I'm the only one with e530 sim so far
Metaltastic: I'm the only one with e530 sim so far
Even if you might have thought I've done multiple sims.. ( soon I have ) I can answer that anyway.. I work with maritime electrical (ship/offshore) installations.. everything from 12volt to 1000volt.. Diesel engines/Generators/Fault finding/Repairs/Automated systems etc.. Starting to school again (hopefully) in the fall to start my engineering degree.. I learn some neat math / programming there which will also to help me in developing plugins
and yeah i f**k'd up so TSE X30 is onqel and upcoming recto is LePou.
I'm sorry.
yeah (and the upcoming new 5150 is onqel )
You guys should team up together and make the uber-sim of a Recto (which c'mon, can almost unanimously be agreed on as 'the' single amp we all want for high gain). I'm talking something that's so oversampled it takes 8 cores just to run a single instance, but almost phase cancels with the real deal.
We'll be thankful in 5 years when we can actually run it! m/