The "entertainment" factor in Metal.

A short and boring answer will basically sum up my thoughts: generally, the more serious the better.

I wouldn't say I get entertained by listening to metal/the music I prefer, if it's entertaining, in my definition of the word, it usually gets boring really quickly. Good/serious music gives me a feeling and communicates a mood of sorts, in a way that is very hard to explain.
Generally, quality timeless metal is not entertaining in the Hollywood sense of the word.

I'm looking for music that moves me in an almost spiritual-type sense, if that makes any sense.
i think you guys misunderstood my statement as me likeing David Lee Roth type of handstands and goofiness.

what I meant was, well ... I like my rock stars to not take themselves too seriously ... and come across heavy handed ... if you know my tastes in metal, you know what I mean.

i don't listen to metal or music in general to be "tought" anything or hear a sermon or be amazed at some instrument wankery and prowess ... I just want to dance :kickass:
Highway Corsair said:
Do you think Metal needs to be fun to be enjoyed, and too many bands make thier music to serious and never let go. :loco:

While metal shouldn't be entirely humorless, many bands in the genre that try to project a sense of amusement often end up conflicting with the music, or just end up sounding cheesy. Metal often demands serious treatment of subject matter to add to the impact of the music.
It would depend on the music the band make. I need most of my power metal to be taking the piss out on itself, because it's just one of those genres that you can't take seriously, but the music is great, uplifting epic and utmost, cheesy!

Generally I preffer my metal to be very serious. My top 3 metal albums are Opeth's 'Still Life', Emperor's 'Prometheus' and Fredrik Thordendal's 'Sol Niger Within'. They all took themselves fairly seriously as far as I'm aware.
Moonlapse said:
It would depend on the music the band make. I need most of my power metal to be taking the piss out on itself, because it's just one of those genres that you can't take seriously, but the music is great, uplifting epic and utmost, cheesy!

Blind Guardian really believe in Hobbits though.
I think it's pathetic when you're told that you're not supposed to take Metal seriously, like everything involved with it has to be ironic or a goof. Fuck that, if it's that meaningless to you then sod off, cos there's no point getting involved in the first place.
If you're going to sing something with conviction, you need to be able to take it and yourself seriously. Which is why some bands do a great job of doing the whole faeries/mountains/strength/swords/demons gig, and it's really fucking cool. It's ok having a bit of a laff, but seriousness need never be replaced with parody much.