The Esoteric - Home, Studio, Practice Space Up in Flames - Support the Band - Donate
posted on 02-22-2005 @ 1:43 PM by </SPAN>- [email=""]siN[/email] Tuesday morning February 22 around 3 AM, Lawrence, KS quintet THE ESOTERIC's home, studio and practice space went up in flames and burned to the ground, leaving three members of the band homeless without food or clothes and destroying all of the band's equipment, merchandise, and recording gear.
Fortunately, no one was injured in the fire. So far the cause of the blaze is unknown although Lawrence Fire Department Investigators initially suspect faulty electrical wiring. As of now, THE ESOTERIC plan on continuing with all tour plans for March, April and May.
If you would like to help, the band are accepting donations via PayPal at, with links up at the band's Myspace page and official website:
Cash donations are also being taken for THE ESOTERIC FIRE RECOVERY FUND at Love Garden Sounds record store in Downtown Lawrence, KS at the following address:
Love Garden Sounds
936 1/2 Mass St. (upstairs)
Lawrence, KS 66044
THE ESOTERIC's debut album for Prosthetic Records, titled With the Sureness of Sleepwalking is due in stores on April 19, 2005.
THE ESOTERIC Lose $20,000 Worth Of Equipment In Fire - Feb. 23, 2005 The members of the Lawrence, Kansas-based band THE ESOTERIC spoke to Richard Gintowt of the Lawrence Journal-World about the early morning house fire Tuesday (Feb. 22) that left burnt remains of guitars and amps floating in the basement that had been their practice space and recording studio.
"We're very thankful to be standing here right now because it was close," said Marshall Kilpatrick, who fled the house with fellow band member Steve Cruz about 3 a.m.
Cruz said he was watching the director's cut of "Donnie Darko" in his room when he first smelled "something horrible."
He discovered flames and thick smoke creeping from the basement into the kitchen and alerted housemate Kilpatrick.
"I was in bed, and I just remember Steve yelling, There's a fire! Get up! Run!'" Kilpatrick said. "The minute I step out my door this flame just comes barreling though. ... I just ducked and ran."
The fire, the cause of which remains unknown, was extinguished about 5:40 a.m. by a crew of 17 firefighters. Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Medical Deputy Chief Mark Bradford estimated damage to the dwelling at $175,000.
"I doubt seriously that it can be reconstructed," Bradford said of the house. "We'll continue our investigation, and once it is concluded the scene will be turned back over to the homeowner."
Other band members are Eric Graves and Cory White. Though the band was still tallying its losses, Graves estimated about $20,000 worth of equipment was irreparably damaged in the fire, including nearly a dozen guitars and an Apple G3 computer.
"We still have a van," Graves said, referring to the unscathed tour vehicle parked in a driveway adjacent to the house.
The band also lost a large catalog of recordings housed on hard drives of damaged computers.
In addition to band equipment, the tenants lost all of their personal belongings.
"We luckily have a lot of friends here that are always supportive and helpful anyway, but now it's really going to be important," Kilpatrick said. "We are all starting over together with nothing, and whatever we build we all build together."
posted on 02-22-2005 @ 1:43 PM by </SPAN>- [email=""]siN[/email] Tuesday morning February 22 around 3 AM, Lawrence, KS quintet THE ESOTERIC's home, studio and practice space went up in flames and burned to the ground, leaving three members of the band homeless without food or clothes and destroying all of the band's equipment, merchandise, and recording gear.
Fortunately, no one was injured in the fire. So far the cause of the blaze is unknown although Lawrence Fire Department Investigators initially suspect faulty electrical wiring. As of now, THE ESOTERIC plan on continuing with all tour plans for March, April and May.
If you would like to help, the band are accepting donations via PayPal at, with links up at the band's Myspace page and official website:
Cash donations are also being taken for THE ESOTERIC FIRE RECOVERY FUND at Love Garden Sounds record store in Downtown Lawrence, KS at the following address:
Love Garden Sounds
936 1/2 Mass St. (upstairs)
Lawrence, KS 66044
THE ESOTERIC's debut album for Prosthetic Records, titled With the Sureness of Sleepwalking is due in stores on April 19, 2005.

THE ESOTERIC Lose $20,000 Worth Of Equipment In Fire - Feb. 23, 2005 The members of the Lawrence, Kansas-based band THE ESOTERIC spoke to Richard Gintowt of the Lawrence Journal-World about the early morning house fire Tuesday (Feb. 22) that left burnt remains of guitars and amps floating in the basement that had been their practice space and recording studio.
"We're very thankful to be standing here right now because it was close," said Marshall Kilpatrick, who fled the house with fellow band member Steve Cruz about 3 a.m.
Cruz said he was watching the director's cut of "Donnie Darko" in his room when he first smelled "something horrible."
He discovered flames and thick smoke creeping from the basement into the kitchen and alerted housemate Kilpatrick.
"I was in bed, and I just remember Steve yelling, There's a fire! Get up! Run!'" Kilpatrick said. "The minute I step out my door this flame just comes barreling though. ... I just ducked and ran."
The fire, the cause of which remains unknown, was extinguished about 5:40 a.m. by a crew of 17 firefighters. Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Medical Deputy Chief Mark Bradford estimated damage to the dwelling at $175,000.
"I doubt seriously that it can be reconstructed," Bradford said of the house. "We'll continue our investigation, and once it is concluded the scene will be turned back over to the homeowner."
Other band members are Eric Graves and Cory White. Though the band was still tallying its losses, Graves estimated about $20,000 worth of equipment was irreparably damaged in the fire, including nearly a dozen guitars and an Apple G3 computer.
"We still have a van," Graves said, referring to the unscathed tour vehicle parked in a driveway adjacent to the house.
The band also lost a large catalog of recordings housed on hard drives of damaged computers.
In addition to band equipment, the tenants lost all of their personal belongings.
"We luckily have a lot of friends here that are always supportive and helpful anyway, but now it's really going to be important," Kilpatrick said. "We are all starting over together with nothing, and whatever we build we all build together."