The fat security guard


Nov 6, 2005
If anyone didn't have the pleasure to stand next to him on Saturday, he smelled like COMPLETE SHIT :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

I had a front/center spot, and his smell actually made me move over to the right a little bit more.

If you ever happen to read this, guard, TAKE A FUCKING SHOWER.:zombie:

I can't be the only person who noticed this. It was awful.
It's not like the guys in the bands couldn't have kicked the ass of anybody getting out of hand. I mean, I'm not a small guy, and I think the majority of people I met from the bands were at least two inches taller and more stout than I am.
He was cool to me at first, he asked me if Martyr was any good and I was telling them they were technical death metal, then he was saying he wanted to see Necrophagist on the Summer Slaughter tour, and I was telling him how I've seen them twice, etc.

Then when Steve Flynn threw his drumstick (which I caught BTW! :)), I put my knee on the speakers on the floor so I had a better chance of catching it. He gets all in my face and starts saying he should have "thrown my ass to the floor." What the hell? I hope he's not there on Summer Slaughter... so I can actually enjoy the show without smelling rotting flesh.
He bitched at me for having my back to the stage between Saturnus and Martyr, because it looked like I was sitting on the speakers, even though I was just leaning back and my ass is higher than the giant floor speakers in front of the stage so it just appeared as though I was sitting on it. I could hear him over the speakers from five people away with my earplugs in. I just shook my head and turned around, even though I was having a "what the fuck" moment. Luckily I didn't get the smell, though.
Interesting, I wasn't at either of the nights but from my many experiences at the Pearl Room, I haven't had any problem with the security guards. Though this topic is not very descriptive since all the security guards I have seen there are fat lol. But the KKB description helped me know which one you were all talking about.
Here, he's in this photo, you can't miss him. He's facing backwards in an orange shirt:


The hilarious part?

He yelled at me for doing exactly what it looks like he is doing.
:lol: I was "yelling" at someone I was with, and the guard was like "is everything ok?!!!!?!?!" I just started laughing... I continued doing this throughout the next hour, and I was told that he kept throwing me dirty looks. :tickled:
He bitched at me for having my back to the stage between Saturnus and Martyr, because it looked like I was sitting on the speakers, even though I was just leaning back and my ass is higher than the giant floor speakers in front of the stage so it just appeared as though I was sitting on it. I could hear him over the speakers from five people away with my earplugs in. I just shook my head and turned around, even though I was having a "what the fuck" moment. Luckily I didn't get the smell, though.


I saw that! :lol: :lol:
I forgot to ask, did the security take anyone else's pens (for signing stuff) at the door? I brought two pens and they took them because I was "going to write on the bathroom walls" apparently.

Then I saw a bunch of other people with pens after Atheist's set. I never got those pens back either :(
And what was with the black gloves and handcuffs? When we were going in on friday, the security guard pulled out his gloves and put them on...I couldn't help but say "oh crap....cavity searches too? We're in BIG trouble now." I don't think the guard liked that comment too much hehehehe.....
Yeah, I saw the guards strip several people of their pens. And they all gave them the same explanation - they didn't want them writing on the bathroom walls, or something like that.

Though I missed the black gloves and handcuffs. :lol: