The Final Sigh - If You're Not Part Of The Solution..... You're Part Of The Problem

dill_the_devil Music Editor
The Final Sigh - If You're Not Part Of The Solution..... You're Part Of The Problem
2004 - Self-released
By Philip Whitehouse


Someone give these guys a record contract, for the love of goat! The Final Sigh manage to throw together Converge's head-bursting intensity with Earthtone 9's knack for managing to stick a hooky melody right in the middle of an off-kilter track, whilst throwing in some random dashes of electronic ambience and dissonant Dillinger-esque mathcore along the way.

Throughout the eleven tracks on offer, you're never entirely sure where the band are going to go next - for instance, when 'Don't Make Dirty Movies' sweeps from a straightforward chord progression to what sounds like a sudden, controlled bout of aggravated assaults on their instruments before resolving the two sides to create a sort of structured chaos... Before then going to a midsection consisting of mellowing, uplifting synths over a fast-paced drum rhythm... well, listen to it yourself and try and tell me that you saw where the song was going.

Of course, this can all get rather disorientating, and inattentive listening can give rise to noisecore's usual trap of making the CD sound like a band falling down a flight of stairs... that is, until the occasional Vangelis-like synths arrive, or a delicate clean guitar passage brings a more subtle, gentler air to preceedings. '[p1.2q/p&m]' (don't ask me what the track title means) is a gorgeous-sounding sonic soundscape framing a pleasant guitar melody with synths and a telephone conversation, which develops into an intriguing electronica/dance-style number - sort of like Jean Michel Jarre for the noisecore generation.

This is impressively diverse, surprisingly original stuff from a highly promising band. Again, will someone please give these guys a record contract?


The Final Sigh Official Website