The first 20 seconds of Wheels of Confusion / The Straightener


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

The musical equivalent to great bubble art. That is all.
No. This thread shall not go ignored. These are 20 of the greatest seconds in music history. Agree or face the consequences.
matt99_crew said:
Volume 4, along with Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, are criminally overlooked albums.
How are they "criminally overlooked"??? I thought it was just a given rule that they were hailed classics by everyone, even the mainstream press.
They don't get much mention compared to the other early albums, and you don't hear as much of their songs on radio, etc. Overlooked compared to their other early stuff is what I meant. Its all relative of course.
I generally hear of Master of Reality and Paranoid as their true classics, the others of the Sacred Sabbath Six not so much.

*thread idea*
Alright, alright. Maybe criminally overlooked is a bit harsh. But I definitely think they are underappreciated. I think they are on par with the rest of the first 6, but get less attention. Most of the attention seems to be focused on the first 3.