The Freedom Center in the 'Natti, nice museum...


...Took about 100 Eighth Graders there today. Awesome museum. If you are in the 'Natti, check it out. Only downfall was Mr. Tatman getting bus sick. Here I am, in the back of the bus, talking about MILF's and Green Day, and all the things good teachers talk to young lads about, and all of the sudden, I turned green :ill: a lot like that actually, and that was it. Then at the museum, I took my kids down to "cafe" in lieu of the lame movie they were supposed to watch, and thought I was cured. 5 seconds later, my soup and sandwich were deposited on the patio of the Freedom Center. Dare I say I was the first to puke at this museum! Then some jack ass kid had to ruin everything for us and break a window. I handed him over to the police, and told him "you're on your own bub." Dumbass. It's one thing to have a little fun and be a kid, but breaking a god damned window. :erk:
Cincy Vigilante said:
A window at the museum? How did he manage that? Was he one of your kids?
no, I should clarify, it was at a Wendy's in Octa/Jeffersonville. He was horsing around like a jack-ass. We were already running late, so I said "dude I ain't waiting, you can hang with the sheriff." No, none of these kids are kids I have in my room this year, they were back at school with a sub. I'm the official chaperone extroidonaire, because nobody else ever wants to go on field trips because of shit like that. My rules are simple, we can be cool and have fun, but be respectful and mindful, and if you do something stupid, you can call mom from the local authorities. No sweat.
BTW CV, have you been there yet? I didn't care much for the performance stuff, but some of the artifacts and what not are just awesome. Of course, I'm a total history nerd, but it really takes you back to what was happening along the Ohio River in the days of slavery. It was definitely a good trip for the red neck white boys I took down from Chilli. They needed the eye opener.