The Fucking Wrath - Season of Evil

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
The Fucking Wrath – Season of Evil
Good Fellow Records - 2007
By Adam McAuley


An abrasive sounding record that displays strong moments from both the hardcore and doom genres is what can be taken from The Fucking Wrath. Parallels to bands like Mastodon can be made with their crushing, bone-shaking sounds. A raw approach is used by the outfit to deliver their sonics to the world effectively and they do so with a reasonably thunderous approach that shows their namesake quite well. Huge riffs and chaotic rhythms pour out of the band's techniques early on and continue throughout. The band certainly unleash a relatively massive wrath evoking their namesake time and time again.

However, it's difficult to classify their sound to some extent because they don't completely crush in the way some of the more extreme doom metal would, for example. Instead a nicely paced romp is maintained that makes the density of their sounds a point to concentrate upon. This approach uses excitement as a method of drawing you into their world. The weakest link in The Fucking Wrath's approach is the vocalist, who just sort of bellows in the background and doesn't add any particular flair to their sound. Otherwise, the instrumental performances are quite standard and perform their grooving functions well.

No particular tracks on the album catch one's attention, but they cohesively blend together to form an air tight album overall. Some punk influences find their way into the disk as well as we can sense the sort of raw, fun approach that many of the bands from that musical genre utilize. Altogether Season of Evil is a solid album.

Official The Fucking Wrath Website
Official Good Fellow Records Website