The Gallery is such an awesome album!

A Reason To Sing

The tomato is a fruit
Nov 28, 2005
Bay Area, California U.S.
Amazing stuff. My favorite track is Edenspring! Awesome stuff. The intro scream is insane. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!:headbang: Thanks for making music guys!

Great band. Dark Tranquillity, in my opinion, is way under appreciated. Forget the critics, though. This band is right on.
well i don't really think they're under appreciated by the critics.. it's hard to find (at least from what I read) negative comments about The Gallery, which is a **HUGE** masterpiece! :)

once again, DT rules!
FUCK YES. I love all of it, with highlights being... all of it.
For the sake of old times, there's only one way I can reply to this thread:

"I think you suck!" :D

(No, don't take it personally, it is just a very old joke - I'll offer an apple to those who get it.)

-Villain (feeling nostalgic and listening to The Gallery right now)
God, is this such an inspiring thread....(yes this is sarcasm)

But seriously, yeah The Gallery is an excellent album. Ooops I meant the best album ever. While I'm at it why don't you guys have a look at my review on Metal-archives? It's the one signed by Tongues11. (sry I tried to get the link but the site was down when I wrote this reply...)

@Villain: Can't you give everyone an apple?