The gayest band/album you listen to

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
This is where you post the most flamingly-homo, girly, or otherwise fruity music that you listen to. By "listen to", I don't mean "can tolerate if heard on the radio or from someone else". I mean music that you voluntarily listen to, and enjoy. Music that you'd love to play more often, but are too afraid to lest your neighbors, roommates, or family members catch you listening.

I'd like to avoid referencing single songs. If you're truly in homo love with a band or artist, you can list at least one album that you'll listen to in full, not just some song you heard on Youtube and thought it was amusing (i.e. the Rickroll song).

For me, it's probably Magma's Merci. It's completely unlike the progressive 'rock' of their earlier albums. It's actually a pop album they did in the '80s, presumably as part of the universal capitulation to shitty mainstream trends that most good rock bands underwent in that decade. The title track, "Ooh Ooh Baby", totally rocks, though. And it's not poppish in the 'mindless, irritating slut' way that a lot of today's pop music is. It's actually got some elegance to it.

Besides that, I'm a pretty big fan of the Moody Blues, even though they occasionally make me wince by going overboard with the sappiness.

I used to really like Sonata Arctica, but I haven't listened to them in a couple years now.
used to listen to korn a lot, now i cant stand that shit.
listen to linkin park every once in a long while.

i dont really listen to anything gay(homsexual) but sometimes listen to stuff that is gay(shitty) like slipknot,mudvayne,p.o.d., if that makes sense.
Ummmm, let's see:

Winter Rose's s/t: A hair metal album with James LaBrie on vocals. Very good at least by glam metal standards.

Dream Theater - When Dream and Day Unite: Mmmmmmmmmmm, keyboards. Also. there is no excuse for this cover art:

Dream Theater - Images and Words: This album could get in on "Wait for Sleep" alone. Not to mention the band photo with permed hair and fruity shirts.

Rush - Hemispheres: It's got a song about trees (actually a political allegory), for God's sake.

Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy. Just look at the cover art, or hear the airy-fairy keyboards on "The Accolade" (a completely awesome song, by the way).

Yes - Close to the Edge: Jon Anderson's vocals are about as scary as a field of buttercups.

Judas Priest - Stained Class: *raises voice to falsetto* STAAAAAAAAAAAAND BY FOR EXCITER! You just can't get any better than a real live homosexual in the band.
Uh, why is this in the social sub-forum?
Anyway, probably something by Arcturus or Sigh.Maybe Gentle Giant(Octopus is pretty sappy)
Ha, try to beat that:lol:
I loved Tristania. Widow's Weeds and Beyond the Veil were among my first metal albums. Why did I sell them, no idea.
Well, I have a pretty good idea why, but I miss listening to them again. Aphelion from Beyond the Veil is a great song.
I loved Tristania. Widows's Weeds and Beyond the Veil were among my first metal albums. Why did I sell them, no idea.
Well, I have a pretty good idea why, but I miss listening to them again. Aphelion from Beyond the Veil is a great song.
I've seen them live.
One of the gayest things I've ever seen.
Propagandhi (thrashy punk band) I used to listen to them all the time, but I don't listen to them much at all any more, but I still like them. I actually think the guy is literally gay. lol