the great escape


Villain of the piece
Dec 19, 2001
Evil lair
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"Three alleged IRA members convicted of training Colombian guerillas have fled the country, according to the legal authorities.

James Monaghan, Niall Connolly and Martin McCauley disappeared when a court upheld an appeal against an earlier decision clearing them of terrorism-related charges.

"Unfortunately, we know they left the country but we will try to find out what country has received them in order to see that justice is done," said Attorney General Luis Camilo Osorio."


Anyone else think its a bit of a coinkydink that Fr Strangelight arrives in South America and then this happens?? o_O

"Runnin' with my brothers, headed for the homebase.
With a steady pace on the face that just we raced.
The road ahead goes on and on.
The shit is gettin' longer than the mutherfuckin' marathon.
Runnin' on but never runnin' out. "

NWA- 100 miles and runnin
He should be snoring less audibly then to avoid calling attention to his presence on the sunny side.
So the takeover of the world by the Aces of Spuds might happen sooner than I expected :/

In no time we'll all have to speak as if we had three times as much saliva in our mouths as we actually do. Clonachtachtagallach with you, my fellows in trouble.