The Greatest Moment in NBA History.

Ron Artest got what he had coming. He should be banned for life from the game. Its a sad commentary on society. There is no reason to throw things at players and players can not ever hit fans even if they did throw a beer on them. One giant mess.
Both players that chargwed into the stands should be barred for life from playing in the NBA. I hope they both get their asses sued for what they did

Cincy Vigilante said:
Ron Artest got what he had coming. He should be banned for life from the game. .
I already saw that Vibe awards footage... D'OH! Sorry wrong group of angry black men.
pretty sad,both teams involved should be kicked outta the competition for at least the rest of the season,if they dont puniosh hard the same thing will happen in a weeks time,that being said i hate watching basketball.
Cincy Vigilante said:
Ron Artest got what he had coming. He should be banned for life from the game. Its a sad commentary on society. There is no reason to throw things at players and players can not ever hit fans even if they did throw a beer on them. One giant mess.

Gotta love how he decided to take the opportunity to promote his new album in an interview on NBC today when he was supposed to be talking about what happened at the game on the weekend.
fuelee2004 said:
Gotta love how he decided to take the opportunity to promote his new album in an interview on NBC today when he was supposed to be talking about what happened at the game on the weekend.
Well...he did want time off to do that. Now, he has all the time in the world. Karma's a bitch.

Besides, the NBA is a joke now. That's why I stick to college hoops (and my #5 Illini!)
If only they let the NBA players get stoned this shit might not happen.

Anyway sad stuff to see but almost funny at the same time. :Spin:
Just a side note: It's doubtful that any of the fans fighting with the Indiana Pussers are "Detroit" people. Those tiks courtside are way out of reach price-wise. I got a decent job and I can't afford B-ball, Hockey or Football in Detroit. (or Auburn Hills in the Pistons case)...
Even more NBA fun...Timberwolves center (and flop 1st overall pick) Michael Olowokandi was stun-gunned last night by police because he wouldn't leave a bar at 3am. This was of course the night before a game...

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Minnesota Timberwolves center Michael Olowokandi was arrested early Thursday after police used a stun gun to subdue him when he refused to leave a club.

Olowokandi, 29, was taken into custody about 3 a.m. after he refused to leave Tiki Bob's, said Indianapolis Police spokesman Sgt. Stephen Staletovich. He was charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing, both misdemeanors, Staletovich said.

The's FAN-tastic...

Also, did you see the interview with the guy that started it "allegedly"? He first said

"everyone was coming down towards the floor when Wallace shoved Artest, I did too."
replay shows he was down there before Wallace shoved Artest.

"someone tossed the cup, but I didn't see who it was. I know I didn't."
you can clearly see his arm coming up and the cup came out of his hand.

"I started punching Artest because he was kicking me in my shins when I was trying to pull him away from that other guy"
reply again shows that Artest must have a 3rd or 4th leg to be able to kick him in the shins. Artest's legs were foward of him. The only thing that was keeping Artest from falling on his back was the guy trying to pull him away, if he hadn't been there, Artests legs were so far ahead of him, that he would have fallen on his ass.

That guy should be permanently banned from attending an NBA game. I don't like Artest, I even hate him, but shit, that guy tossing the cup is uncalled for. I hate when people do that at concerts, even if the band sux. I know this wouldn't happen in Portland, the fans are too indifferent, loudest cheers come when Portland is a shot away from Chalupa night.
Riehlthing said:
Also, did you see the interview with the guy that started it "allegedly"? He first said

"everyone was coming down towards the floor when Wallace shoved Artest, I did too."
replay shows he was down there before Wallace shoved Artest.

"someone tossed the cup, but I didn't see who it was. I know I didn't."
you can clearly see his arm coming up and the cup came out of his hand.

"I started punching Artest because he was kicking me in my shins when I was trying to pull him away from that other guy"
reply again shows that Artest must have a 3rd or 4th leg to be able to kick him in the shins. Artest's legs were foward of him. The only thing that was keeping Artest from falling on his back was the guy trying to pull him away, if he hadn't been there, Artests legs were so far ahead of him, that he would have fallen on his ass.

That guy should be permanently banned from attending an NBA game. I don't like Artest, I even hate him, but shit, that guy tossing the cup is uncalled for. I hate when people do that at concerts, even if the band sux. I know this wouldn't happen in Portland, the fans are too indifferent, loudest cheers come when Portland is a shot away from Chalupa night.
Throwing shit isn't cool - Lemmy almost stopped a gig I went to because of it.
Listen to Agressions S.AT.C. (Slammin' at the Club) when you thorw shit and get a club closed you know you're the fool.