The greatest trick the devil ever pulled...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
The Usual Suspects is one of the greatest movies ever made.

I'm looking for other flicks of similar calibre, with the obligatory twists and turns. Here's a few thrillers that standout:

- Malice
- Session 9
- Seven
- Identity
- Jacob's Ladder

Any other recommendations? Anyone here into Hitchcock?
Usual Suspects and Seven rule.

You must see Memento. My favorite plot twist movie ever, and it is extremely different than anything else out there (that I know of anyhow).
bloodfiredeath said:
You liked Identity? It's on my list of worst movies seen at the theatre in 03.
Really? I thought it had a cool twist to it. Ray Liotta can do no wrong for me either.

Usual Suspects is ok.
"ok"? It's a masterpiece of modern filmmaking!

I would consider myself a Hitchcock fan, yes.
OK I've seen North by Northwest, Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho, and The Birds. But I've yet to see stuff like Strangers on a Train and Rope. Any particular standouts?
Yeah I've seen Memento. I saw it at the theater and bought it the day it came out. I also think it's MUCH better than Insomnia.

Disappointing film which I had high hopes for: One Hour Photo.
I liked One Hour Photo! I recommended it to my parents and they said I had bad taste in movies after seeing it! :lol:

I mostly liked it for the scenery, which was obviously influenced by Kubrick.
JayKeeley said:
Really? I thought it had a cool twist to it. Ray Liotta can do no wrong for me either.
I didn't like the twist whatsoever. I guess ever since Pam woke up and saw Bobby Ewing in the shower (pissing this young Dallas fan off), I've always hated the 'it was all a dream, or not real' twist.

"ok"? It's a masterpiece of modern filmmaking!
heh... I remember seeing it at the theatre and liking it. Saw it a few more times and it wasn't quite as good as the first time, but I still think it's a decent flick. Again, I haven't seen it in a long time perhaps should revisit. I definitely stayed away from it because of how it was the 'cool' movie to gush over for quite a while, and I didn't quite think it was all that. Plus, I hate Steven Baldwin.

OK I've seen North by Northwest, Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho, and The Birds. But I've yet to see stuff like Strangers on a Train and Rope. Any particular standouts?
Of ones you haven't seen, I highly recommend Shadow of a Doubt and Rope.
Maybe I wasn't in the mood for One Hour Photo....?

What did you think of Insomnia? I thought Williams was better in that, just because even though he was the "bad guy", he still portrayed his character in such a way that you sided with him through his persecution.

Not as good as Memento (not even close), but I liked Insomnia. This director is going places for sure.
I loved Steven Baldwin in Usual Suspects, and yes, that was his best line.

Haven't seen Insomnia.

I've seen a handful of Hitchcock movies, but it's been so many years that all I remember are bits and pieces.
Which is why I didn't read bloodfiredeath's post on Insomnia. :)

I have the Believer DVD by the way, I'll watch it this week.
Memento is a brilliant movie one of my favorites! If you like this movie or the way it was shot then you MUST GET (doubt if you can rent it) this French movie recently released called uses the same type (or somewhat the same) of direction Momento used. This movie is very dark and disturbing, I don't want to give away too much so check out the web site:

Some other movies that I liked is another French movie called Man Bites it if you can find it and you will see a very dark and disturbing comedy (if you want to call it that) about a filmmaker doing a documentary on a day(s) in a life of a killer.

The Usual Suspects is a masterpiece! The movie just rocked my ass and I still don't go a year before I pop that DVD in the player.

OH yeah other movies (what I like to call mind fuck movies):

Requiem for a Dream, Believer (rent this if you haven't story about a Jewish kid who becomes a Nazi skinhead, the lead actor is simply amazing!), American History X (along the same lines as Believer but with a bigger cast), The Game (with Pean And Douglas), Cube (cool indie flick), Naked Lunch (trippy), American Psycho (you all love this right :) ), Snatch (hillarious), Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Sixth Sense, ExistenZ, 12 Monkeys, Pi, Vanilla Sky (not as good as the Spanish version), Full Metal Jacket,The Others, Brazil, The Bad Lieutenant, Primal Fear, (My Nicolas Cage collection)Leaving Las Vegas, Bringing out the Dead, Vampires Kiss, 8MM(good flick), Birdy, Wild at Heart....anyway some in there should help you out!

Also anything by The Brothers Quay, check them out especially if you like movies like Eraserhead or David Lynch.
Requiem for a Dream and Pi are great movies, very disturbing and highly entertaining.

A Netflix copy of the Believer is sitting on my kitchen table right now, hopefully watch it tonight.
warmwetos said:
Some other movies that I liked is another French movie called Man Bites it if you can find it and you will see a very dark and disturbing comedy (if you want to call it that) about a filmmaker doing a documentary on a day(s) in a life of a killer.
I saw this back in the mid-90's. When I first started watching it (namely the scene where the woman is murdered on the train), I swear I thought I was watching a snuff movie.