The GREATEST Video on the Internet... hands down.


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
I know that 99% of the regulars on this forum will find this absolutely amazing. I won't spoil anything, but here are the main ideas-

- watch this if you hate illegal aliens
- watch this if you hate mexicans
- watch it ALL of the way through

Enjoy, I know I sure did. COOL VIDEO OMG

EDIT: If you get some weird ad when you click for the site, just exit and and try again. (it's the way the site works I'm pretty sure).
If thats the greatest thing on the net, you need to get around more.... (that guy looked like a total dork who hasnt worked a day in his life) :err:
Doomcifer said:'s amazing at how fucking easy it is to capture them so why isn't the INS judt simply doing the same exact thing????

I should imagine it costs a hell of a lot of money to catch them, process them and deport them, and the guys are seemingly willing to work and whatnot. You're still getting money off them via indirect taxation, and they make a pittance, so it's not really terrible for the economy either. I wouldn't really mind the immigration services turning a blind eye to such people; the real problem (in Britain at least) is those that come here specifically for our benefits system, sometimes under the guise of seeking asylum. They're the scum that need turfing out (along with the British citizens that just scrounge off the benefits), not people like these.
That dude is a piece of shit and a total dork, it would've been cool if that beaner at the end would've ripped him out of the truck and killed him.

I find humoUr in pretty much anything offensive, but that dude was just an asshole.
Marksveld said:

and by the way, this thread aims to spread hilarity, not to start some strange "OMG NO" posting war.

you should kick him out of the country for being an obvious zionist imo
i dont hate beaners, we need them. that white guy does look like a total dork loser that has never worked a day in his life. that video is still hilarious.
neal said:
i dont hate beaners, we need them. that white guy does look like a total dork loser that has never worked a day in his life. that video is still hilarious.

Right on, and let me say- if the dude DID get pulled from his truck and murdered in the end, it would be like 1326127433x better.
That was funny as fuck :D I might have to show it to some of my mates and see if we can do something similar. Back them off the edge of a cliff or something.
One Inch Man said:
That dude is a piece of shit and a total dork, it would've been cool if that beaner at the end would've ripped him out of the truck and killed him.

I find humoUr in pretty much anything offensive, but that dude was just an asshole.

i am with NAD on this one ... I actually got upset watching that ... what a fucking douche ...
meh...i dont like illegal aliens but i cant dl the video because i have DIAL-UP.

@Ifurin: whaddya mean, "not terrible for the economy"? illegal aliens are either paid with cash by unscrupulous employers or use phony SS numbers. They don't exactly pay taxes- but they use all the resources that taxes pay for. which is not cool. i saw a stat that said residents in california pay an average of $1200 a year more in taxes because of illegal aliens. border-crossers are bringing down the public school systems, using up health care resources, and reduce wages down to nothing. what is so good about some mexican mowing grass for a handful of beans? yeah, competition is the hallmark of capitalism but that doesn't necessarily mean it's good for everyone in the long run. the most amusing thing to me is that the mexicans are in direct competition with each other now. eventually they'll low-wage themselves into obscurity. i hope anyway.