The guitar, bass, drumset you've always wanted until you actually played it.


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
This was in another forum and thought it would be cool here. I wanted a Rickenbacker Bass for years and finally saw a used one a few years ago and omg that is an awkward bass to play.
When I was in highschool I really wanted an ESP f-series bass. Got one eventually and just hated the sound, now it just hangs out on the rack with the other guitars and looks cool. That was a good lesson in try before you buy I guess.
I always wanted a Dual rectifier when i was a teen cause everyone big played one and yeah they are super expensive in Europe. I got one like 2 years ago and never used it much just sold it actually.
Jackson Soloist fitted with EMG's. In my teens I wanted one regardless of pick up option. When I finally played one with EMG's I put it down promptly. Picked up a Dinky with passive Duncans and it sounded a million times better.
LTD EC-1000. I had an Ibanez RG321 with the fixed bridge that I thought I hated. Went for the EC with the stop tailpiece, could never get used to it. Wound up trading it in on a Carvin with the same styled fixed bridge and love it.
I'm not really picky with how a guitar plays, and although I have preferences I can play on mostly anything to some degree.
Maybe because the guitars I got within the first few years when I started out playing are very different, body, neck and bidge wise.

I'd +1 the Dual Recto I think.
It can very well be that I just haven't spend enough time to learn how do dial it in, but I honestly think I just don't sound good through it. Also on the kemper I prefer other amps.
A pitty, as I really like how it sounds haha
I'm not really picky with how a guitar plays, and although I have preferences I can play on mostly anything to some degree.
Maybe because the guitars I got within the first few years when I started out playing are very different, body, neck and bidge wise.

I'd +1 the Dual Recto I think.
It can very well be that I just haven't spend enough time to learn how do dial it in, but I honestly think I just don't sound good through it. Also on the kemper I prefer other amps.
A pitty, as I really like how it sounds haha

Besides of that Jackson Soloist it's quite the same for me (on the Recto, too :D ) switchting between
different guitars all the time since I started.
I always wanted a explorer like guitar, and I didn't think twice when I saw one second hand Jackson Kelly.

Most uncomfortable guitar I've ever played! The body shape doesn't let me rest my forearm like I was used, and never never feel comfortable playing it.
ESP SV. Always loved the looks of it and thought it would sound amazing. Tried one and was super uncomfortable, although the neck felt great. Sound was ok I guess...
Mesa Dual Rectifier. I thought for years that it was THE amp. Tried several and never liked any. I mean it sounds good but I was expecting something else.
I also hate LP shaped bodies, super uncomfortable for me, they look good though.
My own Caparison Horus, it came with the stock pickups which suck a massive dick. Got them replaced by EMG 85/SA and hated the 85 in that guitar. It sounded really weird, so I switched it for an 81 that I had around and now I'm in love with it, but I got scared that I dropped +1k€ on something I'd hate.

Oh well, now BC Rich comes to mind, no need to explain much more right? I just said that LPs are uncomfortable, so go figure... :lol:
Besides of that Jackson Soloist it's quite the same for me (on the Recto, too :D ) switchting between
different guitars all the time since I started.

Beem a while since I had a Soloist in my hands, but I can't recall it felt awkward or funky to me ;)

I'm even ok with Explorer likes, altho I'd need a bit of time to get used to them.
I'd totally throw out the stock pickups though.

I'd be interested how long a V style guitar would keep my interest.
I'm mostly used to LP shapes or superstrats, but I played classical guitar for ages, so I'm ok with not having the guitar on one leg.
Les Paul custom.

I had one come into the studio and could not believe people pay that much for that guitar. It honestly didn't feel or play any better than any standard I have picked up and for the price difference I was expecting sex in my hands.

Any wizard neck ibanez.

My hands are fucking huge and thin necks just do not feel good at all to me. I actually feel clumsier on them.
agree that the spector necks are kind of weird, but they create some of the best DI tones I have ever heard. very glad my bassist likes his.
Bogner Uberschall Rev. Blue - Sounded GREAT with a boost but absolutely hated that amp without it.

Bogner XTC 101b - There were some ok tones it in but overall it was really harsh on most channels to the point where I had an extremely hard time dialing it out.

Soldano SLO - Good amp, but I expected MUCH more for the pricetag. Is honestly rather have a Hotrod or Avenger.

Orange Rockerverb 100 MKII - The original was badass. The new one was kinda meh.

Ampeg SVT line - Every bass player I know oogles over these things and the Mesas next to them kicked the shit out of them :bah:

Diezel VH4 - Would be cool... If it was $2000 cheaper. Sounds great on recordings, hate it for the price whenever I've tried it. Don't get the hype.

Diezel Herbert - This was my dream amp for several years, after hearing a guy in Guitar Center play it when I was like 14. Finally got one a few years ago and it just couldn't live up to the hype in my head. It was a cool amp, don't get me wrong, but apparently my tastes in tone has changed, cause there was just too much low mids in that amp... Made it sound huge, but I was missing the sizzle!

Engl Powerball - Fizzy mess. Do not like.

FJA modded Racktifier - Aside from the 3 ch triple, the worst Recto I've ever heard.

3 Ch Triple Recto - I'd honestly rather play through a Line 6 Spider. The absolute muddiest tone I've ever heard in my life.

Mesa Mark IV - Lead channel is great, the rest I could do without.

Most PRS Custom 24s - There's been ONE that I owned that utterly killed (and I very much regret getting rid of)... the others, kinda disappointing, even the Anniversary one was pretty meh. Beautiful guitars, but nothing special for the price.

Blackmachine B2 - Don't get me wrong, this was a cool guitar... but I paid $4900 for it, and it wasn't worth half that. The guitar was loaded with BKP Nailbombs, which should've sounded amazing, but it was actually a pretty crap sounding guitar. AMAZING neck, though!

Hufschimd Blackdroid 7 - Again, another very expensive guitar that couldn't live up to the hype. Looked gorgeous, but man, that guitar sounded terrible.

Oni 7 - Ok... I'll admit, I REALLY liked this guitar... The fanned frets were badass and it was, by far, the best playing 7 I've ever touched. The downfall? It was very expensive and sounded like shit.

Every Warwick I've tried - Always had HUGE GAS for these basses cause they look so epic, but I just cannot get along with that sound. I always hear them described as having a "growl," I dunno what these people think "growl" is, but that is definitely not what I'm thinking when I hear that word...

Every Taylor acoustic, ever - I dunno, I guess some people just really like bright acoustic sounds, but not me!

Marshall JVM - I have utterly no idea how so many people on this forum love these amps. They sound terrible. Do not want.