the hulk

I saw it and liked it very much. I've heard some people didn't like some things about it (special effects, etc.) but to be honest I couldn't pinpoint anything that bothered me. But then my eye is accustomed to CGI now, so 'unnatural' doesn't jump out as much these days. Not to mention I saw the movie solely to be entertained, not to pick holes in a script based on a comic series!

I was very happy with the storyline, and very much appreciated the take that resulted from Ang Lee's research into the Hulk character.

Oh, and the mile high leaping thing was very cool too!
saw it... also almost fell asleep the first half... the CGI was very cool, redeemed and made it fun even if the storyline was kinda weak... really liked the split screens and multiple angle shots that were extensively used... they gave an interesting perspective like the panes of a comic book at times... purely for entertainment purposes, yeah its okay
I loved the movie and seeing it the first time I didn't notice it dragged on for the first hour cos I was just in daze. But I did notice it hte 2n time I saw it. I been waiting to see the hulk since I found out Eric Bana was playing Bruce. But what a cast and great performances by all of em.. I like this movie best out all the Comic book movies so far