The "I Love Matt" thread

[4:14pm] * NdX ( has joined #nevermore
[4:14pm] * NL_Capone sets mode: +o NdX
[4:14pm] <NL_Capone> Hey matt
[4:14pm] <NL_Capone> You have a new girlfriend
[4:14pm] <NL_Capone> hahahaha
[4:14pm] * NdX changes topic to 'I love 13 year old jewish girls'
[4:14pm] <NdX> hahaha
[4:14pm] * Pyrus cocks shotgun
ooooooooweee!! another neverboard romance!! this is what...the third one i guess? tee and metalized, me and chrome, and the two of you. awwwwwwwwww :headbang:
awwww how cute
