The importance of imagination


Apr 17, 2005
"Priming means a concept gets activated in a person's head," researcher Joan Meyers-Levy told LiveScience. "When people are in a room with a high ceiling, they activate the idea of freedom. In a low-ceilinged room, they activate more constrained, confined concepts."

I doubt this would have surprised Plato or Schopenhauer. They would have smiled, patiently as if talking to an idiot dog, and carefully mentioned how imagination keeps us from feeling confined and looking repetitively in the same set of failed solutions. I feel our society is lacking a sense of a frontier, of real freedom (freedom to get fired for noting that society sucks doesn't count), and of a creative imagination. I believe it does this because the vast horde of people who live for their jobs and televisions would be intimidated and offended by such a notion of a life beyond "life."

Fuck 'em