The inconvenient truth about Polarity

Nov 23, 2002
There's been a lot of speculation lately about a figure named "Polarity" in the fighting game community. His name has been brought up countless times at tournaments and live streams, mostly in the form of shoutouts. This begs the question to most people who might not know about this individual like they know about Daigo "The Beast" Umehara or Justin Wong: Just WHO is this Polarity guy?!

Well, I'll tell you who he is.

From idling secretly in a hidden-away IRC channel for several weeks I've been able to gather a lot of information on Polarity.

First off, the secret chat he hangs out in is filled with mostly "goons" or members of the forums which is exclusive because you must pay to join.

Secondly, the secret chat is mostly about fighting games, but Polarity uses it as his social gathering spot. The other members there tolerate him but it is hard to gain acceptance in this exclusive group and one of the most common phrases there is "shut up pol" referring to Polarity.

Thirdly, his vitals. He is in his mid-to-late twenties, residing in Britain. He is a former hipster--but is only a true hipster when he wants to impress girls. He used to work in a warehouse, but now does not work and lives with his mother. He reads 4chan. He is a vegetarian. He has a dog. His main interests seem on the surface to be fighting games, but in reality he stops playing each new fighter he attempts to learn after finding something he can object to. His true interests are bashing David Sirlin, chatting in the secret chat, pornography--especially anime pornography, and trolling anything that has to do with fighting games on the internet.

He trolls not only Ultimate Metal DOT COM, but the forums which he paid to join, youtube and other IRC rooms that he is not yet banned from. He routinely gathers groups of people from his secret chat to pile on and harass members; by simply linking a thread or youtube video anywhere on the internet these people will troll it relentlessly.

In this secret channel are several powerhouses of the underground FGC trolling network like henaki (who leaked info about MvC3 and SSF4 and was subsequently banned from SRK and the evolution tournament), Eric "woof" Muentes, and Dandy_J. How these people all got together with the twin loves of not only trolling the FGC but harassing David Sirlin until he has a mental breakdown is bizzare and truly terrifying. They work as a hive mind, not caring about the feelings they hurt or the people they destroy, only causing discord in the FGC. They are truly sub-human.

Well, now you know about Polarity and his band of thugs. The only reason I don't give out the name of the secret channel is because it could attract more trolls to group together and do more damage than they've already done. Please stop giving them "cred" and "shoutouts" because it is only fueling their destructive force.
Hey bro, how about you just mind your own fucking business?

- Polarity
Is this thread some sort of subliminal attack against Al Gore?