the injury thread

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
what's your most recent injury? minor, major (hopefully not!)

so i was standing behind the register and wound up swinging my hand past the surface of this ledge thing so that i hit my thumb against it and a splintered-off part of the cover stabbed under my thumbnail. not really deep but i was bleeding.

fucking weird injury.

I was brushing my teeth like a berserker and did accidentally ram my toothbrush into my gums. It did inflame. THAT is stupid!
I got burned by a heating roller at work when I got pissed at this machine (That makes bubble wrap!), and was furiously trying to tighten one of the press rollers that had come loose where it connects to a hydraulic pump, while the heat was still on (the element was at about 300C), and my wrist slapped against the heating element and burned me so wickedly awesome that I flung my arm and managed to burn my hand on the other heat roller.

Also, same morning, I was disconnecting an airline, and the compressor had given it waaaaaay too much pressure due to an error in this new digital compressors programming (250 gallon, not exactly a little air compressor), so when I disconnected it it gave me a nice bit of a recoil slap like that of a shotgun. Shoulder still fucking hurts.

And later that day I fell getting out of my forklift on ice.
I got burned by a heating roller at work when I got pissed at this machine (That makes bubble wrap!), and was furiously trying to tighten one of the press rollers that had come loose where it connects to a hydraulic pump, while the heat was still on (the element was at about 300C), and my wrist slapped against the heating element and burned me so wickedly awesome that I flung my arm and managed to burn my hand on the other heat roller.

Also, same morning, I was disconnecting an airline, and the compressor had given it waaaaaay too much pressure due to an error in this new digital compressors programming (250 gallon, not exactly a little air compressor), so when I disconnected it it gave me a nice bit of a recoil slap like that of a shotgun. Shoulder still fucking hurts.

And later that day I fell getting out of my forklift on ice.

Jeeeeeez be careful Eric!
I still am a big nerd. But it was even worse when I was in middle school... in 7th grade (or thereabouts) I was looking for my bus outside. I was carrying you know the average 70 pounds in textbooks and notebooks in my backpack, and had some dumb ass purse filled with things too, because EVERY girl needed to carry a purse as WELL as a huge fucking backpack. But anyway... to top it off, it was winter time, it was cold, so a big puffy jacket was in order, AND I was lugging around my big rectangular violin case. I am a big fan of the violin, and still play but these were the days of "orchestra" so I was frantically trying to lug all my things around looking for my bus which wasn't where it usually was. And there weren't any "late buses" that day so I didn't want to get stuck there untl 7:30 when my mom could pick me up haha.

So I got on a bus that I thought was mine, realized it wasn't, and tried to make a stealthy exit, and I ended up getting my violin case stuck in the doorway of the bus, and fell OUT OF A PARKED BUS onto the ground, where my right foot sort of caught the curb, twisted and the weight of all the things I was carrying and me went crunch. And I broke my ankle FALLING OUT OF A PARKED BUS HAHAHA

What was even better was I tried to stand up after I fell down, but it hurt so badly I fell right back down.

Looking back it was hilarious. And I wish I had it on video. But... in the moment it was terribly painful... and so, so embarrassing haha.
what's your most recent injury? minor, major (hopefully not!)

so i was standing behind the register and wound up swinging my hand past the surface of this ledge thing so that i hit my thumb against it and a splintered-off part of the cover stabbed under my thumbnail. not really deep but i was bleeding.

fucking weird injury.


lol i had a weird cash register injury once! we had to stand on this raised mat thingy, and one time i stepped back onto the edge and lost my footing, and somehow stumbled into the bagging area, smooshing the front of my right hand between me and the metal thing that the bags are attached to. almost the entire front of my hand was blue. all day long people were asking me what happened :loco:

most recent injury? hmmm, wrist sprain from juggling.
I'm on a cane right now because I wrecked my knee and pulled my groin snowboarding on Monday.
I've had my share of cool injuries. The most recent minor one would be a sprained ankle last Spring. I was just playing a good ol' game of softball and I hit a bomb. I was going into 3rd base and I knew there was going to be a play. Now, in my younger days when I played baseball every season, this wouldn't have been an issue. I would have slid into 3rd base without a second though. But it'd been years since I tried that, so I sort of hesitated this time and ended up kinda half-assed sliding into the 3rd. I was safe, but at the expense of getting my left foot caught on the bag while the rest of my body went over it. Big time twist and instant pain. I thought I just rolled it bad, but it was a good couple hours before I was able to walk again. Went to the ER the next day and they said it's just a typical sprain and that everything is all right. Lots of ice, couch time and no drugs :(


The biggest major injury I've had is a collapsed lung. The story is so insanely long and I don't have time to type it at work, but the long short of it is that I ended up in the hospital 5 times over a few years and had 2 surgeries to fix it. Lots of hospital time, pain, and drugs. Damn, I'm glad that shit is behind me now.


I've had lots of other minor injuries, mostly from riding my bike and longboard all the time. I really wrecked my left elbow crashing on my longboard once. Sprained my elbow and split my chin open in the same crash. Big reminder that I'm not invincible. I love it.
Your mighty beard and hair must have saved you on numerous occasions, I'm sure.
It didn't save my chin from getting split open in that longboard crash haha. It did soak up the blood like a sponge though!
That about takes the biscuit.

I dislocated my shoulder playing rugby, I continued playing and ended up having surgery to correct it. It still gets pretty sore, and my handwriting entirely changed after the 5 month post-surgery physio process.
Did you explain the advantages of a hand brake to him?

he was 13 at the time, didn't know what the hell he was doing. he thought he would be a big shot and drive my parent's car further up the driveway to impress my other brother. but, he put it in neutral and it starting rolling down the driveway. so he started to jump out but the door came back and hit him, somehow causing him to end up UNDER the car. it took off all the skin on the front of one of his legs, and also ran over his arm but just left tire prints.

i was about 3 when this happened, and i'll never forget seeing my brother walk through the front door looking like he'd just been playing with a hellraiser puzzlebox :lol:

it was even nastier while it was healing though. all that skin had to grow back, and for the longest time his leg looked like it was covered scrambled eggs :ill: